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Ba2Ti9O20陶瓷流延浆料流变性能和流延成型研究 摘要 Ba2Ti9O20是一种微波介质陶瓷随着微波通讯技术的迅速发展,微波介质陶瓷元器件趋于小型化,集成化。其结构也有传统的块状结构朝向独石结构发展。而流延成型技术在其发挥着不可取代的重要作用。 本文主要对Ba2Ti9O20陶瓷流延浆料溶剂的种类、含量;分散剂种类、含量和球磨工艺进行了深入地研究。同时也对周围环境温度对浆料粘度的影响、流延成型各组分及坯体的热重和烧结后的微观结构进行了简单研究。最终得到了优化的非水基Ba2Ti9O20流延浆料配方并流延成型出致密度较高且无明显裂纹和其它缺陷的陶瓷薄片。实际上,最终沉降比、沉降速率、粘度和流变性能等相关数据表明,最佳流延浆料由异丙醇和甲苯(体积比为75:25)组成的共沸混合溶剂、0.5wt%的分散剂磷酸三酯、54%wt的Ba2Ti9O20陶瓷粉体(100目筛下)、5wt%的粘结剂PVB和5wt%的塑性剂聚乙二醇组成。流延成型的陶瓷厚膜膜坯体干燥后无明显裂纹及其他缺陷,表面光滑,有一定的柔韧性和强度,并且陶瓷厚膜密度均一性好。温度和粘度曲线表明粘结剂PVB在流延浆料的性能受到温度的影响方面有着主导性作用。并且烧结后的陶瓷厚膜的微观结构和预期一致,致密,均匀。 关键词:Ba2Ti9O20陶瓷,流变性能,流延成型,陶瓷薄片 Study on the Rheological Properties of Ba2Ti9O20 Ceramic Slurry and Tape Casting ABSTRAT Ba2Ti9O20 is a kind of moderate-dielectric microwave dielectric ceramic.As the technology of microwave communication is developing fast, the microwave ceramic component tends to be smaller and integrated. Also its structure is being shifted from the conventionally nubby shape to monolithic shape. While in the producing process of such component, the tape-casting-shaping method plays an indispensable role. There are two main kinds of tape casting now, water-based tape casting and organics-based tape casting. And organics-based tape casting is wildly used in practical producing and theory research because its own many advantages. In this research, I mainly have a further study on choosing the best solvent system and its best composition, the best dispersing agent and its best concentration, and the suitable milling method for the slurry of Ba2Ti9O20 ceramic. At the same time, I also do some simple studies on the influence of ambient temperature on the properties of slurry, the decomposition of green tape and burnout of organic additives, the surface quality and strength of green tape, and the micro-structure of sintered ceramic membrane. Eventually, a better composition of tape-casting slurry for Ba2Ti9O20 ceramic is obtained. And the produced ceramic membranes in lad are compact, have no visible cracks and other defects. Ac


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