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HUNAN UNIVERSITY 毕业设计 设计论文题目: C级轿车车身总体参数、总布置设计 2011 年 06 月 01 日 C级轿车车身总体参数、总布置设计 摘要 车身总布置设计在车身设计中占有很重要的地位,需要在车身概念设计阶段完成。车身总布置设计是依据整车总布置参数,围绕人机工程学原理对车身的地板、前围、室内空间、车门、发动机舱、行李舱及车身主要参数进行设计。其目的是在有限的车身外形尺寸内布置各总成和机构,并获得最大的乘坐空间和最舒适的驾驶姿势。车身总布置设计的合理性,直接影响着整车的使用性能。本次C级轿车车身总布置设计主要是利用人机工程学的基本知识,参照目标车型奥迪A6的各项性能参数,布置车身的外形和内部,并绘制车身总布置图。通过本次毕业设计,自己可以参与车身的开发过程,理解和掌握轿车的车身总布置设计过程和方法,扩展自己的专业知识,并为以后的车身设计工作打下基础。 关键词:车身总布置设计;车身总参数布置;人体工程学;车身室内布置 C-class Car Body General Parameters and General Layout Design Abstract Car body general layout design is a very important constituent during car body design, it should be finished during the body conceptual phase .The general layout of car body design, on the basement of vehicle general layout parameters, includes car floor arrangement、front fender arrangement、the interior space layout、door arrangement、engine module and luggage compartment arrangement and the body general parameters design, relating to ergonomics. The car body general layout aims at arranging all assemblies and institutions within the limited car body dimensions, and gaining the largest living space and the most comfortable driving posture. The rationality of body design directly affects the using performance of vehicle. During this C-class car body general layout design my work is using the infrastructural knowledge of ergonomics to design sedans’ external and interior arrangement, with reference to the performance parameters of target model, and drawing the body general layout. Through this graduate design I can participate in the development process of car body, know and master more steps and methods of car body general design, expand my expert knowledge and lay the foundation for my future car body design work. Key words:car body layout design;car body layout parameters;ergonomics body; interior layout 目录 1 绪论 1 1.1 课题背景和目的 1 1.2 国内外研究现状 1 1.3 课题研究方法 2 1.3.1总体参数设计方法 2 1.3.2总布置设计方法 2 1.3.3总布置设计流程 4 1.4 论文构成及研究内容 4 2 汽车总体参数设计 5 2.1 汽车形式的选择 5 2.


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