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ELGamal数字签名技术的研究 摘 要 计算机网络的产生把我们带进了一个信息化的社会。当前,计算机网络的安全问题日益突出,网络给我们带来便利的同时,网络安全的形式不容乐观,已严重威胁到人们正常的生活,甚至威胁到国家安全。网络安全的实质是信息安全,信息安全技术的核心之一是数字签名技术。如何在信息传输的过程中保证信息的安全性和真实性,这是数字签名技术所要研究的重要问题。数字签名可以解决否认、伪造、篡改、冒充问题。使用数字签名技术使得发送者发送的时候不能否认发送的报文签名,接受者不能伪造发送者的报文签名,即网络中的某一用户不能冒充另一用户。 ELGamal数字签名作为一种重要的签名手段与一般公钥密码体制签名方法的不同之处,是具有高安全性和实用性。本文介绍了ELGamal技术的基础知识以及它的推广并与RSA算法做一对比,得出ELGamal有着很大的优越性。最后阐述了基于ELGamal体制盲签名、代理签名以及多重数字签名。 关键词 密码学,信息安全,RSA, ELGamal ABSTRACT Computer network produces have brought us into a information society. At present, the computer network security problem increasingly, network brings us convenient at the same time, network security is not optimistic, and the form of already a serious threat to peoples normal life and even threaten national security. Network security is the essence of information security, information security technology is one of the core password techniques. How in the process of information transmission assurance information security and authenticity, this is digital signature technology to research the important problem. Digital signature can be solve deny, forgery, falsify or pretend to be problems. Using digital signature technology makes the sender can deny that send message when recipients cant forged signatures, and the senders message signatures, namely a network of users dont pretend to be another user. ELGamal digital signature method and general public key cryptosystems signature method, is the differences with high safety and practicality. This paper introduces the basic knowledge of ELGamal technology and its promotion and comparison with RSA algorithms, it is concluded that the ELGamal has great advantages. Finally lists the ELGamal signature technique based on other signature scheme. Key Words: Cryptograph, Information Security, RSA, ELGamal 目录 1. 绪论 1 1.1研究背景及意义 1 1.1.1信息安全的重要地位 1 1.1.2密码理论在信息安全中的重要作用 2 1.2数字签名技术的作用 3 1.3 数字签名原理 4 1.4 数字签名的功能 6 1.5 数字签名技术的应用 7 2.基本概念 8 2.1 数论 8 2.1.1因子 8 2.1.2.素数 8 2.1.3.模运



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