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CAD图纸,联系 本科学生毕业设计 三自由度机械手运动控制 下位机系统设计 系部名称: 机电工程学院 专业班级: 机械设计制造及其自动化08-2 学生姓名: 指导教师: 职 称: 讲师 黑 龙 江 工 程 学 院 二○一二年六月 The Graduation Design for Bachelors Degree Three degrees of freedom movement control a machine under manipulator system design Candidate: Specialty:Mechanical Design, Manufacturing and Automation Class:08-2 Supervisor: Heilongjiang Institute of Technology 2012-06·Harbin 摘 要 三自由度机械手能够在三维空间中完成升降、平移等基本指令,而二自由度机械手仅能在一个平面内动作,所以把三自由度机械手作为学校机器人类课程的教学中能够具有典型性。我校现在没有成型的、可以直接应用的机器人方面的教学设备,只有一些慧鱼机器人组件和未来伙伴机器人组件。 本设计目的是在慧鱼组件的基础上设计出下位机控制系统,起到开发、拓展慧鱼机器人组件的功能。这样,在以后的机器人实践教学和学生的创新等活动中,可以应用自己开发的机器人运动控制系统,实现机器人单关节运动控制、多关节运动控制和示教再现等功能,并具有开放性,使学生可以自己根据任务编辑、修改程序,实现不同的工作。 关键词:三自由度;机械手;机器人;单片机控制;控制程序 ABSTRACT Three degrees of freedom in 3 space manipulator can be accomplished in the lift, shift, and other basic instruction, and two degrees manipulator can only in a plane within action, so the three degrees of freedom as a manipulator of human course teaching school machine to typical. Our school now not model, can be applied in the robot of teaching equipment, only some fischer robot kit and future partner robot kit. The design aims at fischer components designed on the base of a machine control system under, rise to development, develop fischer robot component function. So, in the later teaching and students practice robot innovation activities, and can be applied to develop their own robot motion control system, the realization robot single joint motion control, motion control and the joint teach reproduce, and other functions, and an open, so that the students can edit, modify the program according to the mission, the realization of different work. Keywords: Three degrees of freedom; Manipulator; robot;Single chip microcomputer control;Control program 目 录 摘 要



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