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学校代码:10069 学号: 天 津 商 学 院 毕 业 设 计(论 文) 关于民间借贷现状与规范监管的思考 Thinking about Current Situation and Regulation of Private Lending 二级学院: 经济学院 教 学 系: 金融学 专业班级: 金融xxxx班 学生姓名: Xxxx 指导教师: 副教授 2015年4月日 内容摘要Abstract......................................................... II 1 导言......................................................... 1 1.1 研究背景与研究意义.......................................... 1 1.2 研究思路与方法 关于我国民间的研究3 3 民间借贷概念界定............................................. 4 3.1 民间借贷的概念界定.......................................... 4 3.2 民间借贷的特点分析4 4 民间借贷现状分析............................................. 5 4.1 参与主体广泛................................................ 5 4.2 资金需求旺盛5 民间借贷存在问题 业务监管方面存在的问题5.2 风险监管方面存在的问题5.3 法律监管方面存在的问题6.1 总体原则 内容摘要改革开放以来我国经济发展迅速在此背景下非正规金融渠道下的民间借贷 关键词金融市场金融监管 Abstract: Since reform and opening up, Chinas economy has experienced a rapid development stage, at the same time, China’s social financing demand also increase quickly. Limited by the lagged development of financial markets, the contradiction between formal financial and social production consumption financing demand become more and more serious. In this background, the private lending as a kind of informal financial activities, began to rise rapidly, and spread continuously. How to have a correct understanding of private lending, and how the society should to raise the advantages of private lending, and avoid the disadvantages of private lending, are extremely important for Chinas financial market development and stable economic growth. In this background, this paper take an in-depth study on the problem about private lending. The author firstly analyzes the cause of private lending, define the concept of private lending, and analyzes the characteristics of private lending. Then the author analyzed the developing situation of China’s private lending from different aspects, and further study the relationship between private lending and formal financial



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