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包钢选矿厂氧化矿选别流程中,铁、稀土、氟的选矿工艺特征研究 摘 要 根据白云鄂博主东矿中贫氧化矿矿石特性和主要矿物的物理、化学性质,经过大量的试验研究,制定了弱磁-强磁-浮选综合回收铁、稀土的选矿工艺流程。各种类型的中贫氧化矿的不同规模的选矿试验,取得了良好的经济技术指标,表明该工艺流程的适用性强。并且通过采取控制磨矿粒度、改进浮选工艺、采用高效捕收剂等措施,使包钢选矿厂铁精矿氟含量由0.75%降低到0.65%,效果显著。 但是白云鄂博矿石除作为钢铁原料外,还是一个大型的稀土,铌资源。选矿在生产铁精矿的同时,还实现了稀土资源的综合利用,可生产多品种的稀土精矿产品。铌的选矿研究正在大力推进。其他如萤石,磷灰石,重晶石,黄铁矿等都具有潜在的综合利用可能性,尚需不断进行探索。 关键词 : 氧化矿 铁 稀土 氟 选矿工艺流程 Abstract According to the main East Bayan Obo Ore Mine in poor oxidation properties and the main minerals of the physical and chemical properties, through a large number of experimental research, the development of weak magnetic - magnetic -Integrated flotation recovery of iron and rare earth mineral processing process. Oxidation of various types of poor ore beneficiation tests of different sizes and achieved good economic and technical indicators show the applicability of the process. And by taking control of grinding grain, improving the flotation process, using highly efficient collector agent measures to make the dressing Plant fluorine content of iron ore from 0.75% to 0.65%, for CCS to make the completion of the objectives of environmental protection outstanding contributions. ? ? But the Bayan Obo iron ore as raw material than outside, or a large rare earth, niobium resource. Beneficiation of iron ore in the production, while also achieving the comprehensive utilization of rare earth resources, can produce many varieties of rare earth concentrate product. Niobium mineral research is vigorously promoting. Others such as fluorite, apatite, barite, pyrite and so has the potential utilization possibilities still need to continue to explore. Keywords : Oxide Ore Iron Rare Fluorine Flowsheet 摘要 I Abstract II 绪论 - 1 - 第一章 总论 - 2 - 1.1 包钢选矿厂铁,稀土,氟的利用现状及研究背景 - 2 - 1.1.1 包钢选矿厂铁资源的利用现状 - 2 - 1.1.2 包钢选矿厂稀土的利用现状及研究背景 - 2 - 1.1.3 包钢选矿厂氟的利用现状及研究背景 - 3 - 1.2 铁 稀土国内外现状 - 5 - 1.2.1 铁资源国内外现状 - 5 - 1.2.2 稀土国内外现状 - 7 - 1.3 研究内容及技术思路 - 8 - 1.3.1铁矿选矿研究内容及技术思路 - 8 - 1.3.2 稀土资源的研究内容及技术思路 - 9 -



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