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延 边 大 学 二〇一二年 二月 摘 要 20世纪70年代开始,出现了世界范围的能源危机,交流电机变频调速因具有节能效果显著的特点而得到迅速发展。电力电子电路的发展经历了整流器时代、逆变器时代和变频器时代几个发展阶段。同样电源的发展也经历了这三个时代的变化。不论是在生活上,工业上,以及军事上都需要能源(电源),不同的工作要求需要不同种类的电源。电源的不同种类推广从而给人类的工作、生活带来了一定程度上的便利。早期的电源多是线性稳压电源,内部功耗大、转换率低、体积大、重量重、输入电压动态范围小,线性调整率低(不能设计100-250V)使得电源的使用范围受到一定的限制。本文设计的稳压电源以体积小、可调控范围广、效率高、应用范围广的目的而设计的。 本设计系统采用PWM发生器及驱动器为核心,设计附有储能、滤波、分时导通的可调直流稳压电源系统,具有结构简单,成本低,精度高等优点,很大程度上满足了稳压电源的应用需求。 关键词:PWM发生器;变压器;三极管;死区时间; Abstract The 1970s, there was the world energy crisis, ac motor with variable frequency speed regulation for energy saving effective remarkable characteristics and rapid development. The development of the power electronic circuits experiences the rectifier era, inverter frequency converter several times and times development stage. The same development also experienced the three times of changes. Whether in life, industry, or military that needs energy (power), different work required different kinds of power supply. The power of the different types of work is to promote human life with a degree of convenience. Early power is linear regulated power supply, which is internal power, low conversion efficiency, big volume, heavy weight, and the input voltage of dynamic range small. The adjust rate of linear is low (cant design 100-250 V) which makes the power of the scope of application limits. In this paper, the design of regulated power supply is small, which can control range, high efficiency, wide range application of the purpose of the design. This design system adopts PWM generator and drives as the core, design with energy storage, filtering, time-sharing guide through the adjustable DC power supply system, the structure is simple, low cost, high precision of advantages, which is a great of extent, and meets the application requirements of voltage stabilizer. Keywords: PWM generator; Transformer; Transistor; dead Time 目 录 摘 要 I Abstract II 引 言 1 第一章 绪论 2 1.1 课题背景 2 1.2 国内外研究现状 2 1.3 研究目的及意义 3 1.4 主要研究内容 3 第二章 系统硬件设计 4 2.1 系统构成



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