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摘 要 在当前激烈竞争的市场环境下,企业生产及销售工作的好坏直接关系到企业的生存和发展,拥有高质量的合格产品也成为众多成功企业的共性。在新经济条件下,企业在产品市场的竞争已经逐渐演变成为产品的研发。在这种情况下我们对原有的扎啤桶的清洗方法提出改进很有意义。 扎啤桶的清洗设备是随着扎啤酒逐渐被消费者接受所研制开发的。早年由于扎啤酒未被遍及,所以相应的设备也比较简单落后。以致使扎啤桶的清洗成为一件难事,大大限制了扎啤的推广,相应的限制了扎啤清洗设备的研制开发。 随着改革开放的深入,人们以逐步适应并在扎啤酒的消费也逐年提高。相应的扎啤桶的清洗设备成为急需解决的问题。近几年扎啤桶的清洗设备比之以前有所改进,但仍有些问题须进一步完善。 扎啤桶的清洗设备要尽可能充分利用厂区空间,减少设备的占用面积,一台设备可以满足不同型号桶的清洗。根据我国的人力资源丰富的情况,将设备研制为半自动化设备,这样可以将人为工作困难的部分研制成自动化设备,剩下人力所能的部分。这样就可以充分合理的利用资源。这种设备采用可编程序控制器,可以保障运行的可靠性。 关键词:半自动 可编程控制器 清洗 Abstract As we know,the quality of marketing and making has a decisive influence on the existence and development of enterprise,a high quality goods is the commonness of all successful enterprises.On the condition of new economic,the product competition is envolving as RD competition.And with advent of it,we improve the way to washing barrel. Washing barrel is a set of electrical controlled installations.It was made as the barreled beer was choiced by consumers.barrelled beer was not widespreaded in a long time ago. So the proportional equipment was not advanced and it was a difficule to wash .There fore the barreled beer was limited for the reason.At the same time the washing and pouring barrell equipment was not made in a long time. With the depth reform of economise,people adapt to the barreled beer, the proportion of the barreled beer consumer is gradual impoved,so the equipment of washing barrel must be resolved,it is a cortain important thing to be done.The equipment of barrel is made dent in the last years,but there is still some problems to deal with . The equment is made up of washing equipment.It can reasonal make use of the workshop room and reduce the acre of the equipment.For the reason of the resowne of workman the equipment must be made a semi-automatic equipment.The eauipment be made use PLC to control.The PLC can guarantee the reliance of motion.In addition the equipment can wash the more barrel,It can more reasonal to be used . Keywords: Semi-a


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