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基于80C52单片机的电加热数字恒温控制系统设计Design of Digital Constant Temperature Control System for Electric Heating based on 80C52 MCU
学 院:电气工程学院
专 业 班 级:自动化1104班
学 号:
学 生 姓 名:
指 导 教 师:
摘 要
The temperature has great influence on daily life and has no time, and it has important significance for the control of the temperature to control the life and the development of production.. In the field of production are subject to a lot of heating equipment to produce, such as heating furnace to realize heat treatment, crucible resistance furnace to molten metal and with different uses of the temperature control box. With the chip on the different temperature control box control in a great extent for the equipment control brought convenient, easy to use, flexible to control, at the same time, it can maximally improve the accurate degree of parameters such as temperature, ensure production steadily, increase the production efficiency. Therefore, the research of the intelligent temperature control technology has the significance of the research.
The intelligent temperature control system design using a lot of materials AT80C52 micro controller and with DS18B20 digital temperature sensor and nRF401 chip with micro power short distance wireless communication technology for remote temperature control, the system can in 25 meters remote control asked. Single chip microcomputer is used to detect the digital temperature signal and set the temperature, the lower limit of the com
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