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分类号 密级
U D C 编号
题目 基于Android平台新闻客户端设计与实现
所 在 院 系 计算机学院
专 业 名 称 计算机科学与技术(嵌入式方向)
年 级 2012级
学 生 姓 名
学 号
指 导 教 师
二○一六 年 四 月
News content to read basic living necessities of life for everyone.In todays increasingly large amount of information, which requires people to continually intake information to enrich themselves.Newsreader to obtain useful information both need to live, but also through the News open wide horizons and thinking.But most news reader can only be acquired by way of a fixed time and place, can not be done to get news and information anytime, anywhere, often as a result of these factors, miss a lot of useful information on their own.To solve the above inconvenience, Android-based news clients also emerged.
Through the Google Android SDK API to learn and become familiar with, we decided to develop to develop an Android-based news client application that allows Android users to easily and quickly access news.The news client by requesting network, json parsing data returned by the server is displayed on the users mobile phone interface.
This article discusses the Android news mobile client design and development implementation process.
Key words: Android SDK json data News mobile client Server目 录
第1章 绪论 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 研究意义 1
第2章 新闻客户端开发环境及工具 2
2.1 新闻客户端开发环境 2
2.2 新闻客户端开发工具 2
2.3 新闻客户端运行环境 3
第3章 基于新闻客户端的概要设计 3
3.1 新闻客户端需求分析 3
3.2 新闻客户端功能描述 5
3.3 新闻客户端功能模块划分 5
3.4 新闻客户端组成结构图 6
3.5 新闻客户端操作流程图 7
第4章 新闻客户端开发所用技术 8
4.1 JSON数据
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