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题 目:基于CAN总线的湿度采集系统设计
学 院: 机械工程学院
专 业: 汽车服务工程
学 号:
网络能够实现一个节点收集处理其他所有节点信息的功能,网络极大地促进了社会进步。无法实现网络连接的旧式电路设计必将被淘汰。湿度采集系统中使用CAN总线技术,大大提高了系统内部的通信速率、实时性, 降低了误码传送率。其必将在不久后具有更加优良的网络性能。器件正在向着模块化和单片化方向发展,而且伴随着向更加强大的智能化的方向发展。稳定,迅速,功能更加强大、软件操作更加简单是整体数据采集系统的发展方向,同时要是传感器成为有高分辨率、高带宽、高精度的测量设备。本课题《基于CAN总线的湿度采集系统》就是符合这种趋势发展而来的。
The micro controller is the main part of micro computer integrated computer on a chip and single chip microcomputer. Micro controller was born in the seventies of the 20th century, after 30 years of development, its cost is more and more low, more and more powerful, its application has been everywhere, covering all fields. In industrial production, data collection is essential. The data acquisition system is a bridge of computer and external relations, is an important way of getting information. Data acquisition system has been widely used in various fields of the national economy and national defense construction, in the various automation equipment and acquisition system is very important part of, its precision of the whole control system is effective. With the development of computer technology, data acquisition system has very broad application prospects. So the research on the development and application of data acquisition is very important.
A node collects all other node information network to network, greatly promoted the social progress. The old can not achieve the circuit design of network connection will be eliminated. Humidity acquisition system using CAN bus technology, greatly improving the rate of communication within the system, real-time, reduce the rate of error transmission. The network will ha