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专科毕业设计(论文) 设计题目: 基于AT89C51单片机水箱水位控制系统的应用 系 部: 电气工程系 专 业: 工业企业电气 班 级: 工企 姓 名: 学 号: 7 指导教师: 职 称 : 助教 2012年6月 南京 摘要 大型水箱是某些宾馆饭店、机关、公寓、科研教学楼及食品加工、医疗卫生、电子工业等对水质要求较高场所 本单片机系统设计的目的是应用单片机控制技术,以AT89C51单片机为核心控制工厂的水箱的水位,并实现了报警和手动、自动切换功能。该系统操作方便、性能良好,比较符合工厂生厂用水系统控制的需要 本毕业论文还详细的给出了相关的硬件框图和软件流程图,并编制了该汇编语言程序。 关键词 单片机 系统控制 Abstrct Large water tanks are a certain hotels,apartments,office, scientific research teaching buildings and food processing,medical, electronic industry and other places with high requirement on water quality essential to the producetion process of part,its performace and the quality of work not only on production of the fine has enormous influence, but also the safety of production. In the past,many of the tanks are operated by the staff to operate,so that artificial means wbacks,such as the water level control ,water tanks at all times to monitor the environment, and so on the night of monitoring, the operator slightly negligence,or damage to the Summary of the monitoring device will bring irreparable damage will be even more serious crisis in production . The purpose of single-chip system design is the application of single-chip control technology, to AT89C51 as the core to control the water level in water tank factory, and the realization of the alarm and manual, automatic switching function. The system is easy to operate, good performance, more in line with Health Works plant needs water system control.also The system pupms water from the two groups, water tanks and three float switch devices and related components. This article also gives a detailed diagram of the related hardware and software flow chart, and the preparation of the assembly language program. Keywords MCU system control water level 目 录 1 引言 1 2



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