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吉林化工学院毕业论文 基于结构方程的吉林市居民幸福指数因素分析 Based on structural equation of Jilin city residents happiness index factor analysis 学生学号: 学生姓名: 专业班级: 信息与计算科学1101 指导教师: 职 称: 助教 起止日期: 2015.5.28~2015.6.17 吉 林 化 工 学 院 Jilin Institute of Chemical Technology 摘 要 影响幸福指数的因素由低到高分为生理需求、安全需求、情感需求、尊重需求、自我实现五个层次,运用结构方程模型来对幸福指数进行构建。文通过所获得的473份问卷,结合马斯洛的需求层次理论,考虑到现场发放问卷的不配合性和费时性,同时考虑到样本分布的广泛性,文章借助网络,采用网上作答的方式来填写问卷,把目标总体定义为“”,通过分析上对于幸福指数的研究,来进一步折射出群体关于幸福指数的看法和程度。,也有不易直接观测和测量的隐变量。最后,根据路径图的结果分析,提出了相关的建议文章为了简化所要研究的问题,结合马斯洛的需求层次理论,将原来的大部分合并成马斯洛所对应的层次,同时相关的外生变量也进行了调整,结合模型修正的指标,同时考虑到外生变量的重复性,路径图,同时估计出了它所对应的系数值根据路径图可以得到如下的分析结果:自我实现尊重需求生理需求对幸福指数有正面影响;.情感需求安全需求对幸福指数有负面影响 关键词:幸福指数;结构方程模型;Abstract Influence factors of jilin city residents happiness index is various, from low to high can be divided into physiological needs, security needs, emotional needs, respect needs and five levels, using structural equation model to build Jilin city residents happiness index. This article through to the Internet survey (Jilin economic BBS) of 473 copies of questionnaires, combined with Maslows hierarchy of needs theory, considering the questionnaire does not fit and time-consuming, considering the generalized sample distribution at the same time, the paper with the aid of network, with the method of online answer in Jilin area residents happiness index to fill in the questionnaire, the target generally defined as Jilin economic BBS, through the analysis of jilin economy of Jilin city residents have the happiness index research on BBS, to further reflect all the city group about the views and the degree of happiness. And then set up a corresponding structural equation model, can be directly observed and measured variables, there are not easy to direct observation and measurement of hidden variables. Finally, according to the result of path graph analysis, Suggestions are put forward. Through structural equation of path analysis to calculate the variou



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