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目 录
1 方案设计与论证
1.1 总体方案设计
1.2 关键部分设计
1.2.1 驱动控制部分
1.2.2 测量部分
1.2.3 控制算法确定
2 系统硬件设计
2.2 单片机系统
2.2.1 SPCE061A单片机概述SPCE061A单片机的硬件结构
2.2.3 SPCE061A单片机SPCE061A芯片的引脚排列和说明SPCE061A 的开发与应用
2.3 部分外围电路设计及分析
2.3.1 键盘设置电路数码显示电路PID参数整定
摘 要
本文主要介绍了利用单片机实现温度控制系统的设计过程,在系统构建时选取了凌阳科技公司提供的一新款产品SPCE061A芯片作为该控制系统的核心。由PT1000和电压放大电路提供温度信号通过PID算法实现对电炉功率和水温控制SSR固态继电器作执行部件,能够快速地处理较复杂的数字信号)和PC机的图形处理功能,来实现了语音播报温度和打印温度变化曲线的要求。全文的内容主要包括:水温控制系统的方案设计与论证,系统整体电路、部分电路的设计,以及SPCE061A单片机SPCE061A单片机?Pt1000; SSR
The main introduction to this text makes use of one-chip computer to realize the software design process of the control system of temperature, have chosen the core as this control system of a new style products SPCE061A chip that the open scientific technical corporation offers of insulting when the system is structured. Amplified the circuit and offered the temperature signal by PT1000 and voltage, realize through PID algorithm that controls the power and temperature of electric stove , use SSR solid state relay to carry out the part , make the static error of the system reduce to minimumly . This design has also fully utilized a slice of ripe pronunciation treatment technology of SPCE061A form (have higher processing speeds, can deal with more complicated digital signal fast ) graph processing function of and the PC , to realize the pronunciation report temperature and type the demand for changing the curve of temperature. The content of the full text includes mainly: The hardware system of the control system of the temperature is designed, the software system is designed, the characteristic , performance , structure , development , application , order parameter and pronunciation treatment technology of SPCE061A one-chip computer.
Keywords SPCE061A one-chip computer; Pt1000; PID;
引 言
- 毕业设计(论文)-基于无线传感器网络的家居环境检测与控制系统设计精选.doc
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- 毕业设计(论文)-基于无机械手圆盘式刀库的卧式加工中心换刀系统的研究精选.doc
- 毕业设计(论文)-基于数控车中级工新题库的典型零件的工艺设计与加工精选.doc
- 毕业设计(论文)-基于数字结构特征的印刷体数字识别方法精选.doc
- 毕业设计(论文)-基于无线网络的车位管理系统精选.doc
- 毕业设计(论文)-基于无线传输的仓库多点温度智能监控系统设计精选.doc
- 毕业设计(论文)-基于映射和逻辑运算的Apriori算法优化精选.doc
- 毕业设计(论文)-基于无线网络对PLC的控制精选.doc
- 毕业设计(论文)-基于有效竞争的产业组织合理化分析精选.doc