山西省and兰州2009年高中阶段教育学校招生统一考试English 答案.docVIP

山西省and兰州2009年高中阶段教育学校招生统一考试English 答案.doc

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山西省and兰州2009年高中阶段教育学校招生统一考试English 答案

山西省2009年高中阶段教育学校招生统一考试 英 语 参考答案 I. 1-5 BACBC 6-10 ACBCB 11-15 BCACA 16-20 clever , writing, last, buy, tries II. 21-25 BACAB 26-30 CABCB 31-35 CABBC III.36-40 ACBBA 41-45 ABCAC 46-50 CBACB IV.51-55 BCBAC 56-60 ABCCB 61-65 ACABB V. 66. (They set up Earth Day) to tell everyone about their worries. 67. (It’s) (on) April 22(nd). / (It’s) (on) 22(nd) April 68. People should stop it from running. / Turn the tap off. / Turn off the tap. 69. Yes. / Yes, it does. 70. We shouldn’t throw rubbish every where. Don’t use paper cups any more Make full use of the waste water. VI.71. interesting 72. have 73. languages 74. correctly 75.doing VII.76. How are you? 77. Where have you been? 78. That’s great. / That sounds great. / How interesting/wonderful/nice! 79. How can we get there? 80. Have a good trip! / Enjoy yourselves! / I hope you’ll have a good vacation. VIII.81. 参考范文: I’m a sunny girl with a lovely name “Happy Baby” which is given by my classmates Fruits and vegetables are my favorite. I like sports and often do them. I’ll keep this healthy lifestyle as long as I can. 87. 参考范文: Changes in my life My life has changed a lot in the last few years. I used to ride a bike to school, but now I usually take my mother’s car. I used to watch plays and news on TV, now I can also watch them on the Internet! There are much more changes in my life now. I have never been enjoying it like this before! 兰州市2009年初中毕业生学业考试试卷 英语(A)参考答案及评分标准 一、听力理解(分四小节,20小题,每小题1分,共20分) 1-5 BBCDC 6-10 AAABD 11-15 CBBCB 16-20 ACCAA 二、单项选择题(20小题,每小题1分,共20分) 21-25 CBACA 26-30 CBDCC 31-35 BBCAD 36-40 ADBAC 三、完形填空(10小题,每小题1分,共10分) 41-45 BACAB 46-50 ACDBC 四、阅读理解(15小题,每小题2分,共30分) 51-55 ACDBA 56-60 DCABD 61-65 BDCAD 五、任务型完形填空(每空1分,共10分) 66. Jobs 67. more expensive 68. interested 69. passing 70. to spend 71. cities 72.Others 73.easy 74. married 75. won’t 六、任务型阅读理解(5小题,每小题2分,共10分) 76. beliefs, opinions 77. I should correct myself


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