嘉宾简介 深圳专利协会.doc

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嘉宾简介 深圳专利协会

附件1. 主讲嘉宾简介 John P. Schnurer 博钦合伙人 | Partner John Schnurer is a trial lawyer, a member of the firm’s Executive Committee, co-managing partner of the firm’s Taipei office, and co-chair of the firms Section 337 Investigations practice. He litigates and tries cases, including patent and trade secret misappropriation, in courts throughout the United States, the U.S. International Trade Commission (ITC), and the Patent Trial and Appeals Board at the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. He has tried eight jury trials and nineteen bench trials, six of which were patent trials. He is recognized as a premier intellectual property strategist, particularly with respect to the development and execution of global patent litigation strategies. John also provides strategic intellectual-property counseling, including advice on patent infringement, validity, inter partes review, CBM, reexaminations and large-portfolio due diligence studies, whether for acquisitions, licensing, or pre-suit purposes. He achieves optimum results by partnering with his clients to devise and execute customized legal strategies that are consistent with his clients tactical and strategic business objectives. His experience as a former electrical engineer complements his legal practice. John Schnurer律师是博钦的律师及合伙人,现任博钦所执行委员会的成员,并是全所的337调查类案件组的主管。此外,他是博钦圣地亚哥分所的创始合伙人之一。他的诉讼业务覆盖全美国的各级法院,以及美国国际贸易委员会(ITC )的337调查类案件。他曾处理过多宗涉及电子技术,智能手机,触屏技术, LED电视/显示屏/显示器,以及CCFL液晶电视的案件。案件的对方当事人包括 IBM, Synaptics, 波士顿大学、Straight Path公司、Round Rock Research公司和O2 Micro公司。John Schnurer律师不仅精通有关专利和商业秘密类的案件,而且也处理过多起有关不正当竞争、反垄断、合同违约、版权、医疗事故、侵权伤害、环保问题,及刑事类案件。 John Schnurer律师曾经庭审过8宗陪审团审判案件,20宗法官审判案件并处理过近30宗337国际贸易委员会(ITC)调查类案件。 John Schnurer律师是公认的首屈一指的知识产权策略规划师。他擅长于帮助客户制定并执行专利诉讼方面的整体战略,并在该领域发表过许多文章。在与客户的紧密合作下,他曾为众多客户量身定制了与其商业战略、战术目标相一致的法律策略, 以达到最佳的效果。John Schnurer律师曾是空军刑事法庭检察官,并做过电子工程师。 这些在法庭诉讼和电子工程的经历对他现在的专利诉讼大有裨益。 John Schnurer律师曾经代理过,且目前仍在代理众多中国、台湾及韩国公司的诉讼业务,如宏达电(HTC)、华硕 (ASUS)、大立光电、 SK海力士 (Sk hynix)、深圳汇顶科技 (Goodix) 、宏正自动科技(ATEN)、以及昂纳光通信 (



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