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情人节名字来源 《布鲁尔的警句与寓言辞典》说:“圣华伦泰是个罗马教士,由于援助受逼害的基督徒而系身囹圄。他后来归信基督教……最后被人用棍棒打死,卒于二月十四日……。”   古代庆祝情人节的习俗与华伦泰拉上关系,其实纯属巧合而已。事实上,这个节日很可能与古罗马的牧神节或雀鸟交配的季节有关。情人节的特色是情侣互相馈赠礼物。时至今日,人们则喜欢以情人卡表意。情人卡上通常绘有丘比特、给箭射中的心等等。” Origin 3 Century AD, the Roman Emperor Claudius II declared abandoned all committed to their marriage in the capital, Rome, was for the consideration of the war, more worried about anything a man can embark on a battlefield of war. Of a 名叫瓦仑廷 (SanctusValentinus) priests failed to comply with the will of the church wedding and continue to love young people. The things accused Father Wa Lunting first being whipped, and then stoned, and finally this day in 270 AD, February 14 has been sent to the gallows to be hanged. After the 14th century, people began to mark the occasion. This day, Chinese translated as Valentines Day in Western countries is known as Valentines Day, to commemorate the priest who call the shots for Valentines sacrifice. Festival Culture Appointment Valentines Day dinner date usually represents the key to the development of the couples relationship. United States: man in this day to his female friend to say Happy Valentines Day Has no particular feelings like the open field, and gradually evolved into Together greet the form. However, men are less likely in public another Men should say hello. United Kingdom: from the 17th century, Valentines Day has become widespread. ROSE Customs of Valentines Day, flowers and chocolates is essential celebration. The rose represents love is well known, but different colors, number of flowers roses otherwise Kat Italian. The Difference of East and West ——The Valentine‘sDay 2012074111 谭文理 2012074112 王 铖   “七夕”最早来源于人们对自然的崇拜。从历史文献上看,至少在三四千年前,随着人们对天文的认识和纺织技术的产生,有关牵牛星织女星的记载就有了。人们对星星的崇拜远不止是牵牛星和织女星,他们认为东西南北各有七颗代表方位的星星,合称二十八宿,其中以北斗七星最亮,可供夜间辨别方向。北斗七星的第一颗星叫魁星,又称魁首。后来,有了科举制度,中状元叫“大魁天下士”,读书人把七夕叫“魁星节”,又称“晒书节”,保持了最早七夕来源于星宿崇拜的痕迹。   “七夕”也来源古代人们对时间的崇拜。“七”与“期”同音,月和日均是“七”,给人以时间感。古代中国人把日、月与水、火、木、金、土五大行星合在一起叫“七曜”。七数


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