中频电炉倾倒机械系统设计 800 100.doc

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分 类 号 密 级 宁 毕业设计(论文) 所在学院 专 业 班 级 姓 名 学 号 指导老师 年 月 日 摘 要 盛钢水的容器,用钢制成,内砌耐火砖,钢水由底部的口流出,进行浇铸。也叫“钢水包”用途 钢水包用于炼钢厂、铸造厂在平炉、电炉或转炉前承接钢水、进行浇注作业。结构特点结构形式有塞杆式及滑动水口式,龙门架配有脱勾式及轴承式两种,其中塞杆式钢包的升降机构中置有滑杆间隙消除机构,以保证多次使用后,塞杆中心与水口中心的一致性。10 吨以下的钢水包可带有回转减速箱,方便倒渣钢水包用于炼钢厂、铸造厂在平炉、电炉或转炉前承接钢水、进行浇注作业结构形式有塞杆式及滑动水口式,龙门架配有脱勾式及轴承式两种,其中塞杆式钢包的升降机构中置有滑杆间隙消除机构,以保证多次使用后,塞杆中心与水口中心的一致性。10 吨以下的钢水包可带有回转减速箱,方便倒渣。电炉是把炉内的电能转化为热量对工件加热的加热炉,同燃料炉比较,电炉的优点有:炉内气氛容易控制,甚至可抽成真空;物料加热快,加热温度高,温度容易控制;生产过程较易实现机械化和自动化;劳动卫生条件好;热效率高;产品质量好;且更加环保对与日趋严重的环境问题是一个很好的产品等。冶金工业上电炉主要用于钢铁、铁合金、有色金属等的熔炼、加热和热处理。19世纪末出现了工业规模的电炉,20世纪50年代以来,由于对高级冶金产品需求的增长和电费随电力工业的发展而下降,电炉在冶金炉设备中的比额逐年上升。电炉可分为电阻炉、感应炉、电弧炉、等离子炉、电子束炉等。 关键词:The development direction of harvester will be to high-tech direction, making out the applicability of harvester is the development of the market, is very promising for different regions developed different harvester. Thus, the corresponding manufacturing combine high performance is the development of foreign harvester. The rice combine harvester can complete harvesting, threshing, separation and bagging operations at one time. The machine has the advantages of small volume, light weight, flexible operation, through and good adaptability, can better solve the problem of big, medium-sized harvester to harvest in the hilly, mountainous and paddy field. Thus, the corresponding manufacturing combine high performance is the development of foreign harvester. The rice combine harvester can complete harvesting, threshing, separation and bagging operations at one time. The machine has the advantages of small volume, light weight, flexible operation, through and good adaptability, can better solve the problem of big, medium-sized harvester to harvest in the hilly, mountainous and paddy field.Thus, the corresponding manufacturing combine high performance is the development of foreign harvester. The rice combine harvester can complete harvesting, threshing, separation and bagging oper


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