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地质类 active /??kt?v/ adj 【VOLCANO】an active volcano is likely to explode at any time  The volcano became active last year with a series of eruptions. volcano /v?l?ke?n?u US vɑ?l?ke?nou/ n [C] plural volcanoes or volcanos a mountain with a large hole at the top, through which lava (= very hot liquid rock) is sometimes forced out  Pompeii was destroyed when the volcano erupted in 79AD. active volcano (= one that may explode at any time) dormant volcano (= one that is not active at the moment) extinct volcano (= one that is no longer active at all) aluminum /??lum?n?m/ n [U] a light metallic element which is silver in color and used especially for making cooking equipment and aircraft parts an aluminum saucepan Cover the fish with aluminum foil and cook over a low heat for 4 to 5 minutes. We take all our aluminum cans for recycling. bonanza /b??n?nz?, b?u- US b?-, bou-/ n [C] a lucky or successful situation where people can make a lot of money  2002 will be a bonanza year for the computer industry.  an amazing cash bonanza an exceptionally large and rich mineral deposit (as of an ore, precious metal, or petroleum) borehole /?b??h?ul US ?b??rhoul/ n [C] a deep hole made using special equipment, especially in order to get water or oil out of the ground cataclysm /?k?t?kl?z?m/ n [C] literary a violent or sudden event or change, such as a serious flood or earthquake cataclysmic /?k?t??kl?zm?k/ adj [usually before noun] continental crust crater /?kre?t? US -?r/ n [C] a round hole in the ground made by something that has fallen on it or by an explosion  craters on the moons surface the round open top of a volcano diamond /?da??m?nd/ n [U and C] a clear, very hard valuable stone, used in jewellery and in industry  a diamond engagement ring [C] a shape with four straight but sloping sides of equal length, with one point facing directly up and the other directly down  Cut the cookie dough into diamonds. emerald /?em?r?ld/ n [C] a valuable bright green stone tha



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