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Unit 2 My Days of the Week The Second Period Teaching contents: Part A Let’s try, Let’s talk, Group work Read and write. Teaching aims: Finish Let’s try. Be?able?to?ask,?answer?and?write?some?sentences?like: What?day?is?it?today??/?Its.../What?do?you?have?on?…/We?have…and make?sure?they?can?use?them?skillfully. Key point: To?enable?Ss?to?ask?and?answer?the?questions:?What?day?is?it?today?/What?day?is?it?tomorrow??/What?do?you have?on?…? / We?have… To?write?these?days (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday) and these sentence (What day is it today?/ It’s Wednesday./ What do you have on Thursdays?/ We have English, math and science on Thursdays.) correctly. Be able to understand the part of Read and write, and finish the sentences correctly. Difficult point: 1. The content of Lets try is too much to Ss, easily confused. T should guide correctly and help Ss find the correct answer. 2. The pronunciation. T should guide Ss to find the rule of some special words and make sure Ss can read all these words. Teaching tools: a tape, a recorder, pictures and word cards, multimedia courseware Teaching steps: Step 1: Warm-up Review the words; Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday Let’s chant PPT: Monday, Monday, math on Monday. Tuesday, Tuesday, art on Tuesday. Wednesday, Wednesday, Computer on Wednesday. Thursday, Thursday, P.E. on Thursday. Friday, Friday, my favourite day! Free talk Default: T: Good afternoon! S: Good afternoon! T: How are you? S: Fine, thank you. How are you? T: Very well, thanks. What’s the weather like today? S: It’s sunny. T: What?day?is?it?today?? S: It’s Tuesday. T: What?do?you?have?on Tuesday? S: We have…on Tuesday. Ok, now let’s listen to the tape and find out “What day is it today?” and “What class does Amy have?” Step 2: Presentation. Listen to the tape and answer the questions. PPT:Listen and answer What’s day is it today? It’s Wednesday. What class does


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