
Parallel Architectures参考.ppt

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Parallel Architectures参考

Parallel Programming in C with MPI and OpenMP Michael J. Quinn Chapter 2 Parallel Architectures Outline Interconnection networks Processor arrays Multiprocessors Multicomputers Flynn’s taxonomy Interconnection Networks Uses of interconnection networks Connect processors to shared memory Connect processors to each other Interconnection media types Shared medium Switched medium Shared versus Switched Media Shared Medium Allows only message at a time Messages are broadcast Each processor “listens” to every message Arbitration is decentralized Collisions require resending of messages Ethernet is an example Switched Medium Supports point-to-point messages between pairs of processors Each processor has its own path to switch Advantages over shared media Allows multiple messages to be sent simultaneously Allows scaling of network to accommodate increase in processors Switch Network Topologies View switched network as a graph Vertices = processors or switches Edges = communication paths Two kinds of topologies Direct Indirect Direct Topology Ratio of switch nodes to processor nodes is 1:1 Every switch node is connected to 1 processor node At least 1 other switch node Indirect Topology Ratio of switch nodes to processor nodes is greater than 1:1 Some switches simply connect other switches Evaluating Switch Topologies Diameter Bisection width Number of edges / node Constant edge length? (yes/no) 2-D Mesh Network Direct topology Switches arranged into a 2-D lattice Communication allowed only between neighboring switches Variants allow wraparound connections between switches on edge of mesh 2-D Meshes Evaluating 2-D Meshes Diameter: ?(n1/2) Bisection width: ?(n1/2) Number of edges per switch: 4 Constant edge length? Yes Binary Tree Network Indirect topology n = 2d processor nodes, n-1 switches Evaluating Binary Tree Network Diameter: 2 log n Bisection width: 1 Edges / node: 3 Constant edge length? No Hypertree Network Indirect topology Shares low diameter of binary tree


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