导游英语情景口语Item 12-1 Shopping 旅游购物.ppt

导游英语情景口语Item 12-1 Shopping 旅游购物.ppt

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导游英语情景口语Item 12-1 Shopping 旅游购物

Item 12 Shopping 旅游购物 All our cadres, whatever their ranks, are servants of the people. 我们一切工作干部,不论职位高低,都是人民的勤务员,我们所做的一切,都是为人民服务。 Model 1: Chinese Calligraphy 中国书法 Warm-up: Work in pairs. Try to answer the questions below. 1. Do you know the Four Treasures of the Study? 2. Can you list out some famous calligrapher in ancient China? Words and Phrases acknowledge v. 承认 treasure n 财富,财宝 stick n. 棍,棒,杖 slab n. 厚板,平板;厚片 calligraphy n. 书法;笔迹 innovative adj. 创新的 parking lot 停车场 drive to… 驱车前往 rich record with… 拥有丰富的 Useful Expressions 1. As planned for today. 根据今天的计划。 2. I expect the day for a long time. 我期待这一天已经很久了。 3. What sort of things do they want to buy? 他们想买些什么? 4. The most famous handicraft, that is, the writing brush, ink stick, rice paper and ink slab. 最著名的手工艺品是:笔,墨,纸,砚。 5. Chinese calligraphy is a reappearance of this historic innovative process. 中国书法再现了历史创新的过程。 Listen and Answer 1. Where are they going to buy Chinese Calligraphy? The Ancient Culture Street. 2. What are the so-called “four treasures of a study”? The writing brush, ink stick, rice paper and ink slab. 3. What is the function of the “four treasures of a study”? Artists often use them to create the beautiful calligraphy and painting. 4.What is the reappearance of this historic innovative process? The Chinese calligraphy. 5. Where is there car now? Outside in the parking lot Role-play Situation A: A tour guide is now introducing the Chinese Calligraphy to Mr. John. Tour guide: Greets Mr. Jones. Says that they will visit the Chinese Calligraphy. Introduces the local Chinese Calligraphy shop to Mr. John. Offers information about the Chinese Calligraphy and its characteristic with its historic background


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