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THE COMPONENT AND DESIGN OF DRIP IRRIGATION SYSTEM UNDER MULCH FILM 膜下滴灌系统的组成与规划设计 The Component and Design of Drip Irrigation System under Mulch Film 国家节水灌溉工程技术研究中心(新疆) National Center of Efficient Irrigation Engineering and Technology Research-XinJiang 1、膜下滴灌系统的组成 Component of Drip Irrigation System under Mulch Film 水源工程 Water source project 首部枢纽 Head of pivot 输配水管网 Pipe networks for water transportation 滴头及控制测量和保护装置 Emitters, pressure regulator, measuring meter and protection devices 1.水源 Water Source 2.水泵 Pump 3.供水管 Water Supply Pipe 4.蓄水池 Pond 5.逆止阀 Backflow Prevention Device 6.施肥开关 Fertilizer valve 7. 灌水总开关 Irrigation Head Valve 13. 滴头 Emitter 14. 毛管(滴灌带) Lateral ( Drip line ) 15.滴灌支管Manifold 16.尾部开关(电磁阀) Zone Valve(Electrical valve) 17.冲洗阀 Flush Valve 18肥料罐 Fertilizer Tank 19.肥量调节阀 Fertilizer Regulator 20.施肥器 Fertilizer Injector 21.干管Main Line 2、膜下滴灌系统设备 Equipment of Drip Irrigation System under Mulch Film 2.1滴灌管(带) Drip line (tape) 2.2输配水管道 Pipes for water transportation 2.3首部控制枢纽 Head Control 砂石过滤器 Sand Filter 工作原理 Operating Principle 叠片式过滤器 Disc Filter 施肥罐:Fertilizer Tank 3.膜下滴灌系统的规划设计 Project Planning and Design of Drip Irrigation System under Mulch Film 3.1.2规划的内容 Contents of project 3.1.3资料的收集 Data collection 3.2滴灌系统的布置 Layout of drip irrigation system 水源有调蓄能力且调蓄容积已定时,可用下式确定滴灌面积 Use the following formula to decide irrigation area, as water source is adjustable and adjusting cubage is fixed: 3.2.2常见的几种管网布置方式 Some familiar pipe networks layouts T 形布置 “T” disposal 梳齿形布置 Comb form disposal 3.3系统设计参数的确定 Ascertainment of system design parameter 3.3.2灌溉制度 Irrigation scheme 表3-1不同土壤的物理特性表 Table 3-1 physical characteristics of different soil 3.3.3滴灌灌水均匀度 Irrigation uniformity of drip irrigation 3.4.滴灌系统设计 Designation of drip irrigation system 辅管、支管设计 Design for assistant pipeline and submain 首部枢纽设计 Head Control Design 水泵选型及动力


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