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Unit Fourteen ;Teaching Objectives;Teaching Emphases ;Content ;TEXT Interview Skills; Are you preparing for a new job interview? Can you avoid the common mistakes and answer any question correctly? The following skills may be of some help to you. Before the interview ● Learn about the company and its operation If youve done some research , youll impress the interviewer and it will also help you develop good answers to the interviewers questions. ● Research typical interview questions and prepare answers to them. ● Memorize the interviewers name. Forgetting their name will embarrass you during the interview. ; Check out the section titled Interview Dressing and decide what you will wear. Select clothes that you feel confident and comfortable wearing and make sure theyre clean and pressed. ●Find out exactly where youre going, where to park and know long it will take to arrive there. If it is an unfamiliar city, youd better do a dry run before your interview. Get familiar with the park, escalator and surroundings. This will alleviate your stress on the day of interview. ●Arrive 15 minutes early, so you can relax, review your surrounding and visit a restroom to cheek your appearance. Be friendly to the receptionist whose opinions are often asked. ●Get a good nights sleep, reduce built up stress by exercising eating properly and avoid caffeine if youre sensitive to it. ; During the interview What are the most common mistakes job candidates make during interviews? Talking too much and revealing that you didnt do your homework about the company or position may lead to your failure. Because sometimes, talking too much is code for not listening well. The next most common mistake is a lack of knowledge of the company or the position you are applying for. There are many very senior executives, very successful folks, showing up and getting into conversations that they are not prepared for. Wh


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