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浅析《礼记》成语 中文系06级二班 章小亮 指导教师:罗晓春 摘要:西汉戴圣编纂的《礼记》一书是研究上古汉语的宝贵资料,对后代词汇的丰富和发展有着重大而深远的影响。《礼记》成语主要来源于具有书面色彩的文句和对话,以及后人对这些文句、对话的概括加工。《礼记》成语语音结构形式多以四音节结构为主;《礼记》成语语法结构形式几乎囊括现代汉语所有常见的结构。《礼记》成语语法功能丰富且含义相对稳定,主要充当句子的主语、谓语、定语、宾语、状语、和独立成句。《礼记》成语在表达效果上巧妙使用了比喻、夸张、借代的修辞手法。《礼记》中的不少成语的意义跟现代汉语的意义不相一致,有的甚至大相径庭,主要有词义的扩大、缩小和转移三个方面。《礼记》中的成语对后人影响深远,被众多的典籍或文学作品引用。我们从来源、结构、语法功能、修辞手法、意义变化及其影响等方面进行深入地探讨和研究,对揭示汉语的发展变化,研究《礼记》的礼制精神有重要意义。 关键词:《礼记》; 成语 ; 来源 ; 结构; 语法功能 ; 上古汉语 A Brief Analysis of the Idioms in Book of Rites Abstract: The Book of Rites compiled by Han Dai San is valuable data to study the ancient Chinese, which has a major and far-reaching impact on future generations’ vocabulary enrichment and development. The idioms of Book of Rites are mainly from the motion, dialogue, and the summary of the dialogue process. The voice phrase structure of Book of Rites has the main place of structure of four syllables, and the grammatical structure of Book of Rites included almost all the common structure of modern Chinese. The idioms of Book of Rites use the metaphor, hyperbole, metonymy of rhetorical devices. The meaning of many idioms of the Book of Rites is inconsistent or even very different from the meaning of modern Chinese, which is mainly the expansion, reduction and transfer. The Idioms of Book of Rites has far-reaching impact on future generations, which are applied by many books or literature references. It is significant for revealing the change and development of Chinese and the spirit of the Book of Rites that we study and research deeply from the source, structure, grammatical functions, figures of speech, meaning change and its impact. Key words: Book of Rites; idioms; sources; structure; grammatical function; ancient Chinese 作为“十三经之一”,西汉今文学家戴圣编纂的《礼记》,是战国至秦汉间儒家学者解释说明经书仪礼的文章选集,是一部儒家思想的资料汇编。今人对《礼记》的研究多集中在思想与文学上,从语言角度的研究相对较弱,对成语的研究更是凤毛麟角。《礼记》是研究上古汉语的重要语料,特别是《礼记》中的成语对后代词汇的丰富和发展有着重大而深远的影响。《礼记》成语的数量多、结构形式多样,语法功能丰富。《礼记》成语简洁而生动地反映出一系列儒家思想见解与主张。《礼记》中一些成语通俗易懂,被后世广为流传,成为中国教育思想的精华,乃至家喻户晓。另一


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