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可接受的最低维生素D水平是50纳摩尔每升血浆(这样建议是基于在骨骼和肌肉以及人体处理钙的功能均接近正常这一水平上)。一些团体推荐甚至更高的水平,而有一些团体并没有确凿的证据。美国修订的每日维生素D水平建议值((RDA)是基于维生素D水平可以保持血清水平50nmol/L的基础上, 同时尽可能不在阳光下曝晒。 * With the lifestyles we lead it is important for us to be aware of ways in which we can ensure we get our share of Vitamin D. The sun is the primary source of vitamin D, so getting some safe sun is imperative. Getting all your vitamin D needs from foods is virtually impossible – a combination of safe sun and vitamin D-containing foods are a must. Supplements may also be needed. Let us delve a little more into each of these… * 我们的生活方式对于我们获得维生素D的途径非常重要。阳光是维生素D的主要来源,因此获得一些安全的阳光至关重要。 完全从食物中获取您需要的维生素D几乎是不可能的, 因此,安全的日照和食用含维生素D的食物- 这样的组合是一个明智的选择。补充品同样也是需要的。 让我们对这些多一点深入的了解… * Professor Mason advises that the energetic UVB-rays that make vitamin D are around for most of the day in summer, but only around noon in winter, particularly in southern parts of Australia.’ ‘In winter, the sun exposure to arms or equivalent needs to be around noon and for from seven minutes (Cairns) to 30-40mins (Hobart) most days, hands, or equivalent area of skin exposed, spread over a week to maintain adequate vitamin D levels.’ Getting the vitamin D you need from the sun may also be tricky – in winter, you don’t make vitamin D early morning or late afternoon in winter. And in the summer, you risk too much exposure from damaging UVA rays. Australia currently advises 50 nmol/L of blood or higher to allow for a 10-20 nmol/L decrease over winter, similar to official policy in the US, some groups in US are suggesting closer to 80 nmol/L is best to aim for. In summer, you risk too much UVA exposure for the amount of vitamin D you make and in winter, in most of Australia you won’t make any vitamin D early morning or late afternoon’ says the University of Sydney’s Professor Rebecca Mason For most people exposing the arms and hands or equivalent area of skin on either side of the peak UV periods (10am-3pm) for six to eight minutes on most d


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