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小型冷床拖出装置液压系统设计 摘 要 冷床作为棒材厂生产工艺线上的一个必备设备,是生产过程中不可缺少的重要环节。冷床由机械传动系统、水冷却系统、冷床工作台面、固定支架等方面组成,其主要作用是承载高温轧件及冷却。其工作原理是将已轧制成型产品通过辊道输送进入冷床,再由齿条步进式拔齿等形式,将排列在冷床上的工件逐步移向冷床顶端,达到工件的冷却效果,与此同时,要能保证工件在整个过程中均匀冷却,不产生弯曲、扭转或表面擦伤。冷床具有结构简单,造价低等优点。但由于其在使用中存在很多缺陷,增加了使用和维护的成本。因此本设计为小型冷床拖出装置液压系统设计。这个系统分为两个支路:横移缸的横移动作和升降缸的升降动作。本次设计对这两个支路的受力进行了分析和计算、对元件的选用进行了说明。 关键词:液压传动;冷床;液压阀;液压缸;泵站;参数计算 The Out Device Of Small Cooling Bed Hydraulic System Design Abstract Bar cooling bed plant production process as an essential line of equipment, it is an important and indispensable part of the production process. Cooling bed is composed by mechanical transmission system, water cooling systems, cooling bed work table, a fixed support and so on, whose main role is to carry high-temperature rolling and cooling. Its working principle is to transmit the rolled product to cooling bed through the forming roller conveyor, and then gradually work workpiece arranged in the cold bed towards the top of the cooling bed by the form of the rack teeth out step-by-step to achieve the cooling effect. At the same time, we must work to ensure uniformity in the process of cooling, no bending, torsion or surface scratches. Cooling bed has a simple structure, low cost. However, due to its in use, there are many defects that have increased the use and maintenance costs. Therefore, the design is a small device out of the hydraulic system cooling bed design. The system is divided into two slip: transferring cylinder movements and movements of the sliding cylinder moves the take-off and landing. The design analysis the stress and calculation of these two slip and describes selection of components. Key words: Hydraulic transmission; Cooling bed; Hydraulic valve; Hydraulic cylinder; Pumping station; Parameter computation 目 录 1 绪论 1 1.1 冷床的发展和分类 1 1.2 小型冷床组成和新技术 1 1.2.1 输入设备 1 1.2.2 冷床本体 3 1.2.3 输出设备 4 1.3 液压技术现状 4 1.4 液压传动的基本原理 5 1.5 课题内容的介绍 6 2 液压系统的相关设计参数 7 3 制定系统方案和拟定液压系统图 8 3.1 液压系统的组成及设计要求 8 3.2 制定系统方案 8 3.3 拟定液压系统原理图 9 4 载荷的组成和计


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