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China Economic Panorama 5th Issue 2014 WindWind InfoInfo Brief Introduction  China Economic Panorama, based on Wind Info’s EDB and other public resources, is a quantitative dynamic diagram that integrates multidimensional perspectives on macro-economy andd reflflectts ChiChina’’s economiic ttrendd andd fifinanciiall markkett.  The PDF version of China Economic Panorama can help you absorb the latest mass data, grasp the trend of China’s economiceconomic developmentdevelopment andand seizeseize thethe bestbest opportunityopportunity toto winwin.  Made through EXCEL with delicate design, China Economic Panorama is a right hand for analysts, researchers and economistseconomists toto writewrite researchresearch reports.reports.  ChinaChina’ss GDP/GDP/ PricePrice Index/Index/ ClimateClimate SurveySurvey  China’s Interest Rate/ Monetary Policy Tools/ Money Supply/Supply/ LoanLoan DepositDeposit  China’s Exchange Rate/ Forex Management/ External Trade  China’s PMI/ Industry  China’s CCI/ Retail Sales  China’s FAI/ Real Estate/ Government Revenue and Expenditure  China’s Securities Market (Stocks, Bonds, Futures and Funds) ReturnReturn  toto    CatalogueCatalogue China’sChina’sChina’sChina’s  GDP/GDP/GDP/GDP/  PricePricePricePrice  Index/Index/Index/Index/  ClimateClimateClimateClimate  SurveySurveySurveySurvey  China’s Interest Rate/ Monetary Policy Tools/ Money Supply/Supply/ LoanLoan DepositDeposit  China’s Exchange Rate/ Forex Management/ ExternalExternal TradeTrade  China’s PMI/ Industry  ChinaChina’ss CCI/CCI/ RetailRetail SalesSales  China’s FAI/ Real Estate/ Government Revenue and Exppenditure  China’s Securities Market (Stocks, Bonds, Futures and Funds)


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