School Discipline - Office of Safe and Civil Schools – School.doc

School Discipline - Office of Safe and Civil Schools – School.doc

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School Discipline - Office of Safe and Civil Schools – School

Cleveland Municipal School District Safe and Civil Schools – School Discipline Plan AAP Goal 2: Create and maintain a safe, civil and productive learning community School - ____________________ School Year __________ Grades __________ School-wide Expectations Be responsible. Always try. Cooperate with peers and adults. Treat everyone with dignity and respect. School-wide Classroom Rules (See attached worksheet for other common areas) Be prompt. Be prepared. Be productive. Be polite. School-wide Discipline Performance Indicators Office referrals Attendance Suspensions Right of removal Referrals to the Office of Hearings Appeals Referrals to the Academic Core Teams Referrals to the Intervention Based Assistance Teams Referral to alternative discipline placements Referrals for eligibility for special education services Referral to out-of-district private placements School-wide Teaching Expectations Students will be taught how to handle transitions between activities and classes. Students will be taught how rules relate to different types of classroom activity. (Independent seat work, group work, lecture) Students will be taught learning and study strategies. School-wide Monitoring Procedures Frequent scanning and proximity control will be used in each learning activity. Leadership Team will analyze discipline performance indicators on a daily basis and report findings to staff for action Students will receive a weekly printout detailing academic and behavioral progress. Conferences will be held with students as necessary Students will learn to self-manage behavior through the use of passports. School-wide Encouragement Procedures School wide Weekly school wide lottery Success assemblies Fun Friday’s Staff/student competitions Class Verbal feedback Group activities Weekly award winners (i.e. most improved) Individual Verbal feedback Written feedback Parental contacts Homework “pass” School-wide Teaching of Conduct Expectations All students


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