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大 连 民 族 学 院 本 科 毕 业 设 计(论 文) 饮料瓶中空吹塑模具设计与关键零件制造 Mould design and key parts manufacturing of Pop bottles for blow molding 学 院(系): 机电信息工程学院 专 业: 机械设计及其自动化 学 生 姓 名: 李 满 生 学 号: 2007022508 指 导 教 师: 胡 红 英 评 阅 教 师: 完 成 日 期: 大连民族学院 摘 要 现代模具业,具有“不衰亡工业之称”。模具是以特定的结构形式通过一定的方式,使材料称为制品的工业产品。模具工业已经成为现代制造业的基础工业,现代的产品生产制造有80%以上靠模具来完成;模具的设计和制造水平直接关系到整个制造业的水平和后续发展。 本设计主要应用Pro/Engineer软件的制造模块进行中空吹塑饮料瓶模具进行结构设计,再应用UG NX软件对模具型腔零件进行数控加工自动编程和加工仿真。主要采用的步骤为:首先应用Pro/Engineer进行饮料瓶零件建模,接着对饮料瓶进行模具设计和模具结构设计,再将设计出的模具生成工程图文件,最后应用UG NX的UG/CAM模块对型腔零件进行数控加工工艺规划化和自动编程并进行加工仿真,生成数控机床代码。此设计简单实用,程序清晰易懂 。 关键词:模具业;模具设计; 模具制造; Pro/Engineer ; UG NX Mould design and key parts manufacturing of Pop bottles for blow molding Abstract Modern mold industry, which has a name of "no decay industrial. Mould structure form industrial products. through a special certain ways of making material which is called products .The mold industry has become the foundation of modern manufacture industry. More than 80 percent of modern products are manufactured by mold. The design and manufacture level of mold industry have a vital influence on the whole manufacture industry and its development. My design mainly uses the manufacture mold of Pro/Engineer to complete the construction design of center spatial blow molding and makes use of the UGNX to complete the automotive program of numeral control processing and simulation processing. The design process is: First I use the Pro/Engineer to complete the molding of beverage bottle. Then I do the molding design and molding construction design of beverage bottle and turn the mold into engineering plat document. At last, I use the module of UGNX to carry on the craft planning and automotive program on cavity components and complete the simulation processing. Through the process of the whole design I can get the code of numeral control machine too


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