响水中学8B Unit3 重点词组、句型及语法.doc

响水中学8B Unit3 重点词组、句型及语法.doc

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响水中学8B Unit3 重点词组、句型及语法

2013年译林牛津8B Unit3 重点词组、句型及语法 一、词组和短语 序号 Chinese English 1 我不知道。 I have no idea. = I don’t know. 2 更换频道 change the channel 3 查找/搜索信息 search for information 4 文字处理(技能) word processing (skills) 5 编写电脑程序 write computer programs 6 绘画和设计 draw and design 7 发送和接电子邮件 send and receive e-mails 8 面世、出来、(花)开放 come out 9 空前受欢迎的游戏 all-time favourite game 10 在同时 at the same time 11 打开/开闭(电器) turn on/off 12 调高/调低(音量) turn up/down 13 主要人物(主角) main character 14 躺在草地上 lie on the grass 15 入睡(无意识) fall asleep 16 入睡(有意识) go/get to sleep 17 做了个奇怪的梦 have a strange dream 18 获得足够的分数 earn enough points 19 将…带到某地去 carry … off to sw. 20 扮演…角色 play the role of… 21 花费某人时间做某事 take sb. some time to do sth. 22 测试你的英语知识 test the knowledge of English 23 在市场 on/at the market 24 卖完/被卖完 sell out / be sold out 25 与某事/某人有关联 be related to sth./sb 26 一套光盘 a set of CD-ROMs 27 存储信息 store information 28 用……来做某事 use …for doing sth. = use… to do sth. 29 ……被用来做某事 …be used for doing sth. =…be used to do sth. 30 ……被用来做某事 be used to do sth. =be used for doing sth. 31 习惯于做某事 be used to doing sth. 32 (过去)曾经做某事 used to do sth. 33 把…….保存在硬盘上 keep … on the hard disk 34 出现在屏幕上 appear on the screen 35 将A连接到B上 connect A to B 36 将A与B连接起来 connect A with B 37 需要很多记忆(存储)空间 need a lot of memory 38 重新始启动电脑 restart the computer 39 总共10个问题 a total of ten questions 40 对……有好处;适合于…… be good for… 41 向(某人 )求助 ask (sb.) for help 42 做一些练习题 do some exercises 43 英语知识贫乏 have a poor knowledge of English 44 点击图标 click on the icon 45 双击自动运行图标 double click (on) the “auto-run” icon 46 感官动词用法:听某人做某事 hear sb. do sth 47 听某人正在做某事 hear sb. doing sth 48 在屏幕上 on the screen 49 举行一次作文比赛 hold a writing competition 50 计算机的不同用途 different uses of computers 51 八小时内环球(旅行) around the world in eight hours 52 听起来很有趣 sound interesting 53 介意某人做某事 mind sb. (me/my)doing sth 54 换句话说 in other words 55 为某人网上定一套包裹 order a package online for sb 56 输了比赛 lose the game 57 日常英语 daily English / everyday English 58 在必要时


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