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灰關聯分析與可拓工程在之應用 大同大學資訊工程系 Received April 4, 2001; revised August 25, 2001 摘 要 本研究之目的在於探討利用可拓模糊模型設計智慧型資訊檢索的方法。針對各種資訊檢索的模式,我們將分析、比較、並加入模糊理論、灰關聯分析、可拓理論和可拓關聯函數以增進其搜尋的正確性,加強取得資料的可用性。在本論文裡我們成功的將這些理論應用在智慧型的資訊檢索中。我們設計了一套智慧型彙總式搜尋引擎,他能幫助使用者從輸入關鍵字查詢各大入口網站回應的巨大文件裡,自動找出較相關的文件,依權重由大至小排序給使用者閱讀。除此之外,此搜尋引擎將搜尋結果放入交談式視窗,讓使用者調整各相關詞彙的權重,並將搜尋結果的適用性回饋給系統,以做為將來修正模型之用。本文將說明此系統的架構並舉例說明我們的設計理念與測試結果。 關鍵字: 灰關聯分析、可拓學、彙總式搜尋引擎、資訊檢索。 The Application of Grey Relational Method and Extenics to the Design of Meta-Search Engine Yo-Ping Huang, Chi-Peng Ouyang and Yen-Chun Lee Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Tatung University ABSTRACT The aim of this research is to apply the extenics-based fuzzy model to designing the intelligent information retrieval system. To enhance the searching capability to promote the searched result, we will analyze and compare the conventional retrieval models in hope to integrate the fuzzy theory, gray relational analysis, extension theory and extended relational function into the proposed information retrieval model. We design an intelligent meta-search engine that bases on user’s query keyword(s) to find the more related websites. Instead of listing a lot of candidate websites waiting for users to search, our approach automatically pops up only the more related documents for the user to read. Besides, the more related documents appeared in the dialogue window can be readjusted by the proposed method. User’s satisfaction of the search result gives a feedback to our system for further improvement of the designed model. We will present the architecture of designed model and illustrate how the proposed system works in finding the desired websites. Keywords: Grey relational analysis, Extenics, Meta-search engine, Information retrieval. 前言 由於網際網路的普及,在日常生活中難免需要利用搜尋引擎找尋網路上各種資訊,為了能迅速地、準確地找出自己所需要的資訊,一般均使用入口網站所提供之搜尋機制來找尋相關資訊,然而各種搜尋引擎背後所用之搜尋技術不盡相同,因此根據使用者所鍵入之關鍵詞搜尋之結果,搜尋引擎雖可提供一大堆可能相關之網址給使用者點選,但不見得所有網址均可完全吻合使用者的期望,而且搜尋引擎所提供之網址亦非按相關程度大小之順序列出[12-16]。 資訊檢索的目的是希望從網際網路的巨量


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