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中文题目:广州镇泰机械制造厂金工装配车间 副标题:单层厂房建筑结构设计 外文题目:MENTALWORKING ASSEMBLY WORKSHOP OF ZHENTAI MACHINE FACTORY IN GUANGZHOU 摘要 本工程是广州一单层单跨工业厂房,总建筑面积约3500,东侧端部贴建二层框架辅助使用空间,厂房内设两台桥式吊车,轨顶标高为。中部由宽变形缝分为两个厂房单元,主体采用大型屋面板+钢屋架+排架柱的钢筋混凝土排架结构形式,结构整体双轴对称,跨度,柱距为,刚度和质量分布均匀。设计时主要考虑了结构自重、风荷载、吊车荷载以及水平地震作用对结构的影响,经计算,厂房结构满足承载力要求和正常使用要求。 本设计包括建筑设计和结构设计两部分。建筑设计主要考虑建筑的采光、通风、防水、防火以及设备安装使用要求,结构设计主要是进行结构和构件的选型,并利用剪力分配法,对多种荷载作用下的各榀排架进行内力计算和组合,选择最不利组合设计排架柱和基础的截面及配筋。最后绘制相关建筑图、结构图和各部位的节点详图。 关键词:单层厂房;排架结构;建筑设计;结构设计;剪力分配法 ABSTRACT This project is a single-layer single span plant, with a total construction area of about 3500. At the very tip of the eastern part of the plant is a auxiliary use space made of a second frame. And there are two bridge crane in the plant, with the rail top elevation of 9.6. The plant is separated into two sections by a 100wide movement joint located at the central, it’s main block adopts the structural form of reinforced concrete bent. The overall structure is double symmetry. With the span of 30and the column space of 6, it has equally distributed rigidity and mass. The design mainly considered the effect caused by dead load, wind load, crane load and horizontal seismic reaction, and after the calculation, the workshop structure can meet the requirements of bearing capacity and regular service This design was comprised of architectural design and structural design. The architectural design was proceed to fill the bill of daylighting, airing, waterproof, fire resistance and other equipment requirement, while the structural design had to carry on the mission of choosing structural forms, calculating the inner force of every bent which came from loads of various pattern, making internal force combination and identifying the most disadvantaged group to design cross-section and reinforcement. In the end, related architectural drawing, working drawing and joint detail were requiredKeyword: single-layer workshop; bent structure; architectural design


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