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Chinese Food Culture An old Chinese saying goes like:“Food is the first necessity of the people”.民以食为天“Human is iron as if the meal is steel,you will be hungry if you dont eat.”人是铁饭是钢,一顿不吃饿得慌The preference for seasoning and cooking techniques of Chinese provinces depend on differences in historical background and ethnic groups. Geographic features including mountains, rivers, forests and deserts also have a strong effect on the local available ingredients, considering climate of China varies from tropical in the south to subarctic in the northeast. Developing SkeletonXia,Shang ,Zhou PeriodsSpring and Autumn PeriodsHan and Tang DynastiesYuan, Ming and Qing DynastiesModern timesBirth of the four major cuisinesFood raw materials are more abundant.Sit around table to eat.Went mature and formed systemProsperity and innovationFrom raw food to cooked foodHunting/Gathering/ using of fire The most praised Four Major Cuisines are /wiki/Sichuan_cuisineChuan, /wiki/Shandong_cuisineLu, /wiki/Cantonese_cuisineYue and /wiki/Huaiyang_cuisineHuaiyang, representing West, North, South and East China cuisine correspondingly. Modern Eight Cuisines of China are /wiki/Anhui_cuisineAnhui, /wiki/Cantonese_cuisineCantonese, /wiki/Fujian_cuisineFujian, /wiki/Hunan_cuisineHunan, /wiki/Jiangsu_cuisineJiangsu, /wiki/Shandong_cuisineShandong,/wiki/Sichuan_cuisineSichuan, and /wiki/Zhejiang_cuisineZhejiang cuisines.History of Chinese cuisineChinese culture initially centered around the North China Plain. The first domesticated crops were broomcorn 高粱 millet小米, while rice 水稻 was cultivated in the south. By 2000 BC, wheat 小麦 had arrived from western Asia. These grains were, typically served as warm noodle soups, however, instead of baked into bread as in Europe. History of Chinese cuisineChinese culture initially centered around the North China Plain. The first domesticated crops were broomcorn 高粱 millet小米, while rice 水稻 was cultivated in the south. By 2000 BC, wheat 小麦 had arrived from western


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