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Chapter 2 Image formation of symmetrical(共轴) systems made from spherical (球面) surfaces 2.1 Ray tracing formulate for symmetrical systems made from spherical surfaces For the purpose of calculation, the problem we should solve is how to find out one refracted ray’s location emitting from one surface according to its incident ray’s location. Assignment : Known as: r (the radius of spherical surface), n (the refractive index of the medium in front of spherical surface ), n’ ( the refractive index of the medium behind spherical surface ), L and U problem solving : L’ and U’ In Fig.2.1, we can get the following relations by applying sine law on triangle ΔAPC: After the calculation of one surface, the refrected ray is just again the incident ray of the next surface. 2.2 Sign Convention* (1) lines The sign conventions of lines are as the same as in mathematics, as shown in Fig.2.5. Line will be positive if it is from left to right, and also positive if from bottom to top. In order to determine the sign of a line, we should set down the start point and the end point of the line. L,L’: Lines start from the vertex of one spherical surface to the intersection point of a ray and the axis. So distances to the right of the surface are positive, and to the left, negative. y, y’: distances above the axis are positive, and under the axis are negative. r: radii start from the vertex of one spherical surface to the center point. So a radii is positive if the center of curvature lies to the right of the surface. d: distances start from the vertex of one surface to the next surface. (2) Slope angles All angles are measured with acute angles, and are positive if rotating clockwise, and negative if anti-clockwise, as shown in Fig.2.6. I,I’ : Rotate from the rays to the normal :Rotate from the axis to the normal When the Eqs.(2.1) to (2.4) are used to trace rays, L,U,I, R, and d should be specified to co


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