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医药英语阅读中的阅读效率研究 姓名:王洁 学号 班级:09涉外护理(1)班 Abstract Medical English reading is the comprehensive ability to understand and absorb the written information, to observe problem, analysis and solve problems. Medical English reading materials often contain rich vocabulary, sentence, structure, idiomatic expression, cultural background knowledge, common sense, knowledge of logic and language accomplishment. All of these are formed in the process of reading as many barriers. But cultivating a strong medical English reading ability is always the primary task of English learning in medical college. Nowadays many medical students although have a considerable vocabulary and grammar knowledge, but still feel unable to read. This is often behaved for known words, understand the structure, but still does not understand the sentence. So, the act of reading itself is not fully equivalent to the reading ability. Therefore, mastering reading skills, remove an obstacle, strengthen reading training, raise the good reading habits, is the primary problem to improve the medical English reading efficiency. And this paper lists several common influence factors to medical English reading efficiency, and put forward some suggestions, in order to stem the majority of medical students reading efficiency. Key Words: medical English reading; language factors; reading skills; signal words; extensive reading 1. 前言 阅读是读者与文章之间互动的一种信息加工方式,是读者积极主动地在其语言知识和背景知识的参与下对文章中的信息进行重新加工和建构的过程。医药英语是以中医学专业知识和普通英语为基础的专业英语课。内容涉及阴阳、五行、藏象(五脏、六腑)、经络学说,病因学,四诊,八纲等中医知识。医药英语的学习旨在使医学生逐步具备运用英语进行本专业的学习、研究及与国际同行进行中医药学术交流的能力。医药英语阅读理解是一个复杂的动态的过程,也是医药英语学习中的重要组成部分, 其目的是为了快速、准确地获取语篇信息。作为语言学习的主要输入方式,医药英语阅读在听、说、读、写四项技能中占有很重要的地位。医药英语阅读能力的高低是检验把英语作为第二外语的中国医学生的英语水平的主要标准之一。因此,在医药英语学习中如何提高阅读效率是大家共同关注的问题,而欲提高阅读效率首先要研究影响阅读效率的各种因素,这样,在学习过程中才能针对这些因素有意识的训练,帮助形成积极的阅读策略,提高自主学习的能力。 2. 影响医药英语阅读的因素 从语言本身这个角度来讲,影响阅读效率的因素可以分为语言因素和非语言因素。语言 因素包括单词、短语、句子和语言规则等。非语言因素包括阅读动机、阅读习惯、语篇知识、背景知识和阅读策略等。 2.1. 语言因素的影响 决定医药英语阅读理解率的


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