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主旨题 ①理解主旨要义,主要测试考生对短文整体理解概括的能力。一般是第一或最后一个题。 秘诀:1.注意首段和各段第一句话,将其含义连接成一个整体 ??????????? 2.小心”首段陷阱”,不要一看开头就选择答案。 ???????????? 3.快速作文法解题。做题前可以自己思考一下”如果是我写这个题目,我会怎么写?” 有关主旨的题目,其错误选项的要害往往在于涵盖面过于宽泛或过于狭窄。如果你想检验自己的选择是否站的住脚,可由随意抽出文中的语句与你认为描述主旨的选项放在一起对照。如果仅有个别语句能够呼应你的选项,其余的文字均不匹配,你的选择可能偏窄,需要纠正。如果你的选项同时涵盖了文章中没有涉及的内容,这说明他的涵盖面过宽,也属于要排除之列。 实例1. Your kid is throwing food, hitting his sister hard and screaming endlessly. What do you do? As you carefully consider your range of choices, consider this: how you discipline your child in the early years will go a long way in determining whether your child turns into a nightmare by the time he is three. Hit him and he may turn into a non-caring scoundrel. Ignore him and his offensive behavior will escalate. Child-rearing techniques can be as varying as fashion. A look at some methods: For this generation of educated middle-class parents, spanking is as politically incorrect as smoking… The “humane” alternative to spanking, the timeout, has gained popularity over the last decade as a quick method to cool off a wayward child… In layman’s terms, modeling means that if parents behave appropriately, their kids will notice and learn from it… Immobilization is a controversial technique recommended by Dr. Burton White, director of the Center for Parent Education in Newton, Mass… Critics deride(嘲弄) this one-size-fits-all approach to discipline, but White insists that a week of using this method will change the behavior. Question: What is the best title for the passage? A. Spare the Rod, Spoil the Child. B. The Loving Ties that Bond. C. Raising a Moral Child. D. The Debate over Discipline. D 实例2. Using the internal supply of resources as source of labor has certain advantages over the external supply. However, one must be aware of certain disadvantages associated with the drawing on an internal supply of resources… One way in which companies bring about a change in cu


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