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NANJING UNIVERSITY OF AERONAUTICS AND ASTRONAUTICS FINITE ELEMENT METHOD IN MECHANICAL ENGINEERING Final Examination: June 21, 2007 Time: 10:00-12:00 ******************************************************************************* 1. Please write 5 special terms in finite element method. (5 points) 2. What are basic steps in the finite element method? (10 points) 3. What are the principles of derivation of element stiffness equation? Derive the stiffness equation of bar element (Fig. 1). (20 points) 4. What are properties of shape functions? For the element shown in Fig. 2, determine N1 and N2 in terms of ( and (. (20 points) Note: Lagrangian Interpolation: Fig. 2 5. [K]e is the stiffness matrix of 3-noded triangular element in which there is one degree of freedom at a node. Define the elements by nodes and find system stiffness matrix of Fig. 3. (15 points) Note: Fig. 3 6. Consider the mesh with two four-node quadrilateral elements as depicted in Fig. 4. Let the physical variable, say temperature T, to be solved be described by Of course, each element in general has different . (1) Explain that the compatibility condition is not satisfied along the inter-element boundary by any method. (10 points) (2) Explain that the above compatibility condition is satisfied if the iso-parametric formulation is used. (10 points) Fig. 4 在平面中,由于采用了双线性函数,矩形单元内的应力是线性变化的,与三角元相比,更好地反映了单元内实际应力的变化状况。但矩形单元不能适应曲线边界和非正交的直线边界。如对任意四边形,采用矩形单元的双线性位移函数,则沿边界上(单元的公共边界)位移不再是线性变化的,这样其位移的连续性将得不到保证。 将原来的任意四边形单元(子单元)变换为一个正方形单元(母单元)。显然,母单元是正方形,便可以应用矩形单元的双线性位移函数。沿其边界也就线性化了,从而位移协调也就得到了保证。这样,我们取子单元来自结构,它代表了真实结构的几何特征,然后通过坐标变换转换到母单元上去,进行一系列有限元运算。它可以保证各单元公共边界上的位移连续性(这一条是有限元收敛于真实结果的最重要条件)。从而保证了计算结果的正确性。 对于四结点平面等参元,由于相邻单元的交界线,可由线上的两个结点坐标唯一确定,因此交界线上的形函数是相同的,而且交界线上的位移只与该线上的结点位移有关,而与其它结点位移无关,因此,交界线上的位移可由该线上的结点位移唯一确定,即单元的协调性得到满足。 (1)矩形单元不能适应曲线边界和非正交的直线边界。如对任意四边形,采用矩形单元的双线性位移函数,则沿边界上(单元的公共边界)位移不再是线性变化的,这样其位移的连续性将得不到保证。 (2)采用坐标变换法,将任意四边形进行等参变换。对于四结点平面等参元,由于相邻单元的交界线,可由线上的两个结点坐标唯一确定,


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