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C中头文件函数的使用方法 函数名: abort 功??能: 异常终止一个进程 用??法: void abort(void); 程序例: #include stdio.h #include stdlib.h int main(void) { ??printf(Calling abort()\n); ??abort(); ??return 0; /* This is never reached */ } ?? ?? 函数名: abs 功??能: 求整数的绝对值 用??法: int abs(int i); 程序例: #include stdio.h #include math.h int main(void) { ??int number = -1234; ??printf(number: %d??absolute value: %d\n, number, abs(number)); ??return 0; } ?? ?? 函数名: absread, abswirte 功??能: 绝对磁盘扇区读、写数据 用??法: int absread(int drive, int nsects, int sectno, void *buffer); int abswrite(int drive, int nsects, in tsectno, void *buffer); 程序例: /* absread example */ #include stdio.h #include conio.h #include process.h #include dos.h int main(void) { ??int i, strt, ch_out, sector; ??char buf[512]; ??printf(Insert a diskette into drive A and press any key\n); ??getch(); ??sector = 0; ??if (absread(0, 1, sector, buf) != 0) ??{ ? ???perror(Disk problem); ? ???exit(1); ??} ??printf(Read OK\n); ??strt = 3; ??for (i=0; i80; i++) ??{ ? ???ch_out = buf[strt+i]; ? ???putchar(ch_out); ??} ??printf(\n); ??return(0); } ?? ?? ?? 函数名: access 功??能: 确定文件的访问权限 用??法: int access(const char *filename, int amode); 程序例: #include stdio.h #include io.h int file_exists(char *filename); int main(void) { ??printf(Does NOTEXIST.FIL exist: %s\n, ??file_exists(NOTEXISTS.FIL) ? YES : NO); ??return 0; } int file_exists(char *filename) { ??return (access(filename, 0) == 0); } ?? 函数名: acos 功??能: 反余弦函数 用??法: double acos(double x); 程序例: #include stdio.h #include math.h int main(void) { ??double result; ??double x = 0.5; ??result = acos(x); ??printf(The arc cosine of %lf is %lf\n, x, result); ??return 0; } ?? ?? 函数名: allocmem 功??能: 分配DOS存储段 用??法: int allocmem(unsigned size, unsigned *seg); 程序例: #include dos.h #include alloc.h #include stdio.h int main(void) { ??unsigned int size, segp; ??int stat; ??size = 64; /* (64 x 16) = 1024 bytes */ ??stat = allocmem(size, seg


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