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东北石油大学秦皇岛分校毕业论文 稠油开采技术的研究现状 学科专业: 油田化学应用技术 学 生: 柏泽 指导教师: 于翠艳(教授) 日期:2015年4月3日 摘 要 随着石油开采技术的不断提高,一些特殊油藏越来越引起石油工作者的重视。由于稠油在石油资源中所占比例较大,因此如何开采稠油,使之成为可动用储量,是石油界一驱、火烧油层等为主要开采方式的稠油热采技术,以及以碱驱、聚合物驱、混相驱等为主的稠油冷采技术。对于稠油油藏,常规的方法是很难开采出来的,因此便采取一些特殊的开采方法。主要从稠油冷采和稠油热采两个方面介绍稠油开采的方法以及各种方法的适用条件和作用基理,通过对各种方法的介绍,很容易发现稠油冷采的方法成本投资小,工艺流程简单,但是适用范围比较小,稠油热采方法虽然成本投资大,但是适用范围大,而且可以达到较高的采收率,其中蒸汽吞吐是目前应用最多的、发展前景比较好的一种稠油热采方法;根据稠油开发的发展趋势,对稠油油藏开发提出一些台理的建议,目的是为将来的稠油油藏开发方式的筛选和创新打下一个基础,使稠油油藏开发上升到一个新的台阶。 关键词:稠油资源;热采;冷采;稠油新技术; ABSTRACT With the oil mining technology continues to improve, some special reservoir has attracted more and more attention of petroleum workers. Because of heavy oil in the oil resources in the proportion of larger, so how to mining of heavy oil, make it become available reserves, oil field is a drive, in-situ combustion technology is the main way of exploitation of heavy oil thermal recovery, and in alkaline flooding, polymer flooding and miscible flooding based heavy oil cold production technology. For heavy oil reservoir, the conventional method is difficult to mined, so they take some special mining method. The applicable conditions and mechanisms mainly from the cold production of heavy oil and heavy oil thermal recovery two aspects introduced methods of heavy oil exploitation and various methods, through a variety of methods, it is easy to find that the cost method of heavy oil cold production of small investment, simple process flow, but the scope is smaller, the heavy oil thermal recovery method while the cost investment however, large application range, and can achieve higher recovery rate, which is currently the most used steam huff and puff, relatively good prospects for development of heavy oil thermal recovery method; according to the development trend of heavy oil development, and put forward some reasonable suggestions on the development of heavy oil reservoir, the purpose is to lay a foundation for the selection and innovation the future of the heavy oil re


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