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1. 材料工具: Material and tools: 1.1足够的按照船级社认可的环氧树脂垫块布置图制作模框的材料,包括: Damming material for moulding the chocking arrangement according to the drawings approved by the Classification Society, including:- (a) 围框海绵条; Damming foam; (b) 法兰面密封挡板 (厚度约1 mm); Flange damming steel plate (thickness: about 1 mm); (c) 3~5mm 厚的2-half 密封压板; “Half ring plates” with thickness 3 ~ 5 mm; (d) 密封胶泥 Sealing compound; (e) 足够的木棒塞,用于艉管法兰面螺栓通孔的密封。其直径比螺栓通孔直径 大2~3mm,长度应不小于法兰及法兰面环氧树脂的总厚度的1.5 倍,数量根据法兰面螺栓通孔的数量来确定。 Sufficient wooden bolt plugs for sealing the bolt holes on stern-tube flange. Diameter: bolt hole diameter + 2~3mm; Length: ≥(flange thickness + EPOCAST 36 Thickness)x1.5; Quantity: = bolt hole quantity (f) 泡沫橡胶密封环。 Foam rubber sealing ring. 1.2耐高温牛油; Grease; 1.3转速不超过500rpm 的手提电钻2 ~ 4 只,用于搅拌环氧树脂; 2 ~ 4 pcs heavy duty hand drill with an operation speed less than 500 rpm ; 1.4搅拌叶轮; Jiffy mixer; 1.5浇注泵; Filling pump; 1.6胶水; Glue; 1.7便携式温度计; Portable temperature gauge; 1.8巴科硬度计:1 只,用于测量样块硬度; Barcol hardness tester: 1 pc; 1.9 10~20 升丙酮和足够的抹布,用于环氧树脂浇注区域内的清洁工作及浇注结 束后清洗浇注泵; 10 ~ 20 litres acetone and sufficient rags, for removing grease, oil in the chocking area and cleaning the filling pump after the pumping; 1.10为防止艉管塞入艉柱后发生轴向的位移,需采用槽钢制作几只法兰面压板。其宽度应小于法兰面两相邻螺栓间的间距,长度比艉柱直径长约150mm;同时在艉柱上焊两只螺栓,用于固定该法兰面压板。 Stopping plate made by channel steal for preventing the movement along the shaftline after pushing the sterntube into the stern frame boss; 1.11如施工区域亮度不够或者在晚上施工,还需准备足够的36V 安全照明灯,并预拉到位; Sufficient 36V work-lights in the chocking areas; 1.12在冬季或者环境温度过低(<13℃)时,还需准备下列加热设备: In winter or at below an ambient and / or steel temperature of 13°C, the additional preparation work must be carried out in advance as follows: (a) 足够的电烘箱或电加热器,用于预热环氧树脂。 Sufficient electric heater for preheating the Epocast 36. (b) 足够的热风机或电加热器,用于浇注前和浇注后加热环氧树脂浇注区域至20°C 以上,以促使并缩短固化所需时间。 Sufficient electric hot air machine or heater to heat the chocking area to at least 20°C before and after the Epocast 36 p


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