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Unit 14 Have you packed yet? Section B 课型:新授 主备:马梅 审核: 时间:第 3 周 集体备课人员:陈立军,李莉,马梅 学习目标: 学习目标: 1.掌握下列生词和短语 New words:award, wave,scene,hit,appear,lead,poem,cupboard,turn,mail Key phrases:lead singer some day be off 2.掌握重点句型 [1]Have they been on TV yet? [2]Have you ever been to a concert?. 3..能熟练运用现在完成时态。 4.会运用所学知识谈论音乐,歌手和乐队,并能发表自己的个人评论。 教学重点:正确运用现在完成时 教学难点:现在完成时 学前准备: 1.学会运用音标和拼读规则读出生词,理解含义,重点掌握划线词语含义和用法; award, wave,scene,hit,appear,lead,poem,cupboard,turn,mail,lead singer, some day ,be off 2浏览教材找到下列短语。 (1)最喜欢的乐队______________(2)乐队成员___________________ (3)写原创歌曲________________(4)赢得奖项_____ _________ (5)举办音乐会________________ (6)制作音乐录音带__ ________ 2.翻译下列句子: (1)They have been on TV lots of times. _____________________________________ (2)Don’t miss the New Ocean Waves. _____________________________________ (3)One of the best bands on the music scene is the New Ocean Waves. _____________________________________ (4)Be sure not to miss them. _____________________________________ (5)We really hope to have a number one hit some day. _____________________________________ (6)Good luck to the New Ocean Waves. _____________________________________ 合作探究: 讨论下列问题完成1。 Talk about your favorite band: What’s the name?____________________ Where are they from?__________________ How many people are there in the band?_________ What is your favorite song of the band? ______________________ When did you first hear them?___________________________ Why do you like the band?__________________________________ 2.Do2a and 2b.Listen and fill in the information about the band . 3.Practice 2c: Ask and answer questions about your favorite band . 4.Learn 3a . 5.Do 3c ,4 6.难句突破,你能理解下面的这些句子么 A.won an award 赢得一项奖 award n. 作过决定而赠与之物(奖品等) 他的马在展览会中得到最高奖。 _____________________________________ B. One of the best bands on the music scene is the New Ocean Waves. _____________________________________ one of +最高级+名词的复数形式这一结构是大家较为常见的。 冲浪是世界上最受欢迎的水上运动之一。 _______________________


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