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* 1.What is the________/ resIpI/for making fruit salad? A.recipe B.risepe C.recepe D.resipe 2.Can you teach me how to______/meIk / a banana milk shake? A.make B.take C.put D.need 3.May I take_______/ f?ut?uz / of your family? A.photoes B.photo C.photos D.picture 4.He _______/ spends/all his free time with his grandson.. A.spends B.spent C.spend D.spending 5.Do you know the famous _______ / vaI?lInIst /? A.violints B.violinist C.voilnist D.violnist 1.—The apple is too big. —You can ______ first. A. cut it up B. cut them up C. cut up them   D. cut up it 2.—______ do you go to school every day? —By bike. A. Where   B. How   C. Why    D. Who 3.—______ yogurt do we need? —One cup. A. How many    B. How long    C. How much    D. How far 4. Please put some relish on ______ bread. A. one  B. any  C. two  D. one piece of 5.---Did you meet our English teacher? ---______. A. Yes, I was   B. No, I didnt    C. Yes, I didnt   D. No, I did 6.He didnt have a day ______ last week. A. off   B. of   C. away   D. from 7. After hard work, I felt tired ______ happy. A. and   B. or   C. but   D. so 8. He wants to become an actor ______ the future. A. to   B. on  C. at   D. in 9. —______? —Its sunny. A. How is the weather B. How are you C. Whats your name D. How do you do 10.You are never ______ young ______ start doing things. A. so; that    B. such; that    C. too; to    D. to; too 11.You must ______theTV when you leave the house .   A. turn off    B.to turn off   C. turn on    D.to turn on 12.—How much bread did you eat this morning ? —not too much , two ____of bread.     A.teaspoons   B.Cups   C.slices    D.bags 13.—How many ______do we need ? —I don’t know .     A.yogurt B.honey . C.relish D.Watermelons 14.Swimming is good ______children . A. to B. at C. for D. of 15.They arrived here ______Saturday morning . A. at   B.on  C.in


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