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2012考研英语完形填空模拟试题三   大众媒体?   The mass media is a big part of our culture,yet it can also be a helper,adviser and teacher to our young generation. The mass media affects the lives of our young by acting as a(an)__1__for a number of institutions and social contacts. In this way,it__2__ a variety of functions in human life.   The time spent in front of the television screen is usually at the__3__ of leisure:there is less time for games,amusement and rest.__4__ by what is happening on the screen,children not only imitate what they see but directly__5__ themselves with different characters. Americans have been concerned about the__6__ of violence in the media and its__7__harm to children and adolescents for at least forty years. During this period,new media __8__,such as video games,cable television,music videos,and the Internet. As they continue to gain popularity,these media,__9__television,__10__public concern and research attention.   Another large societal concern on our young generation__11__by the media,is body image.__12__forces can influence body image positively or negatively.__13__one,societal and cultural norms and mass media marketing__14__our concepts of beauty. In the mass media,the images of__15__beauty fill magazines and newspapers,__16__from our televisions and entertain us__17__the movies. Even in advertising,the mass media__18__on accepted cultural values of thinness and fitness for commercial gain. Young adults are presented with a__19__defined standard of attractiveness,a(n)__20__that carries unrealistic physical expectations.   1. [A] alternative [B] preference [C] substitute [D] representative   2. [A] accomplishes[B] fulfills [C] provides [D] suffices   3. [A] risk [B] mercy [C] height [D] expense   4. [A] Absorbed [B] Attracted [C] Aroused [D] Addicted   5. [A] identify [B] recognize [C] unify [D] equate   6. [A] abundance [B] incidence [C] prevalence [D] reccurrence   7. [A] disposed [B] hidden [C] implicit [D] potential   8. [A] merged [B] emer


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