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fit adj.①健康:I hope you’re keeping fit.我希望你保持健康。 ②适合的:Is he fit for work yet?他还能工作吗? This food isn’t fit to eat.这种食物不适宜吃。 【注意】①be fit后接不定式时,可用主动式表示被动,也可直接用被动式: The water is not fit to drink/to be drunk.这水不适合饮用。 ②fit in with符合,一致: You can’t expect a baby to fit in with your existing routine. 你不能指望一个婴儿符合你的常规要求。 ③be fit for…适合,胜任于……: We should employ people who are fit for the job.我们应该聘请那些能够胜任于这个工作的人。 v.①(使)适合,配合:This coat does not fit me.这件上衣我穿着不合身。 ②安装:We’re having new locks fitted on all the doors.我们在给所有的门装上新锁。 【注意】fit与suit:前者指尺寸、大小、形状等方面的适合,后者指款式或花色等方面的适合: This dress doesn’t fit me. Have you got a larger size? 这件连衣裙不合我的身,你有大一点尺寸的吗? This dress doesn’t suit me. Have you got another style? 这件连衣裙不适合我穿,你还有其他的式样吗? fix v.①修理;安装:He fixed the picture in position with a nail.他用钉子把画钉牢。 ②确定,决定,安排:We’re fixed the date for the wedding.我们已决定结婚的日子。 ③决定,决择,修理:Have you fixed up your holiday yet?你度假的事安排好了吗? It?took?me?a?whole?day?to?fix?up?the?colour?TV?set.? 花了我一整天的时间修理这台彩电。 fix one’s eyes on/upon(keep one’s eyes fixed on/upon)注视,专注,盯住,把注意力聚焦在……: The?old?man?stood?by?the?window,?his?eyes fixed?on?the?people?playing?in?the?park. 老人站在窗子边,眼睛凝视着在公园里玩的人们。 The programme was so exciting that the children kept their eyes fixed on the screen. 这个节目如此激动人心以致于孩子们全神贯注看着屏幕。 It’s bad for your eyes if you keep them fixed on the screen for a long time. 如果你的眼睛一直长时间都专注在屏幕上,这对你的眼睛有害。 ②fix one’s mind/attention on/upon(keep one’s mind/attention fixed on/upon)集中注意力于……: In the reading room, we found her seated at a desk, her attention fixed on a novel. 在阅览室,我们发现她坐在书桌旁,她的注意力集中在一本小说上。 I can’t fix my mind on my study, with the children playing so noisily outside my window. 由于孩子们在我的窗户外面玩的如此吵闹,我不能集中注意力学习。 ③fix one’s thoughts on把思想集中在某事上……,全神贯注于……: He is fixing his?thoughts?on?what?he?is doing.他正在全神贯注地工作。 flash n.①闪,闪光:a flash of hope一线希望 There were flashes of lightning and much thunder.电光闪闪,雷声隆隆。 ②转瞬间:Wait for me — I’ll be back in a flash.等我一会儿,我马上就来。 【注意】①in?the?flesh活生生的,本人,亲自:It?is?quite?a?thrill?to?see?a?r


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