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68 2014 ,50(20 ) Computer Engineering and Applications 计算机工程与应用 免疫算子对种群多样性的影响分析 陈云芳,王舒雅 CHEN Yunfang, WANG Shuya 南京邮电大学 物联网学院,南京 210003 College of Internet of Things, Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications, Nanjing 210003, China CHEN Yunfang, WANG Shuya. Analysis of immune operators ’influence to population ’s diversity. Computer Engineering and Applications, 2014, 50 (20 ):68-73. Abstract :After years of development, the researchers design a large number of immune algorithms to solve the multi-objective optimization problem. It is heavily based on three immune operators :the clone selection operator, the hyper-mutation crossover operator, the recombination and memory operator. Then, it analyzes three kinds of operators how or when impact on the diversity of the population immune algorithm, which can show that the immune operator has the link between the diversity of the population. Motivated experimental analysis of NNIA and CMOIA two classic immune algorithms in two reference index values indicates that the clone selection operator with a negative impact on the algorithm diversity, but the hyper-mutation crossover operator or the recombination and memory operator child will help the algorithm to maintain diversity. Key words :multi-objective optimization immune algorithm; immune operator; diversity 摘 要:经过多年的发展,研究人员设计出大量的免疫算法来解决多目标优化问题。基于三种免疫算子:克隆选择 算子、超突变交叉算子和重组存储记忆算子,并通过分析三种算子何时或以何种方式对免疫算法中种群多样性产生 影响,从而对免疫算子与种群多样性之间的联系进行了研究。对NNIA 和CMOIA 两种经典免疫算法在两个基准问 题上进行实验分析,实验结果表明克隆选择算子对于算法多样性有消极影响,而超突变交叉算子和重组记忆存储算 子则会帮助算法维护多样性。 关键词:多目标优化免疫算法;免疫算子;多样性 文献标志码:A 中图分类号:TP311 doi :10.3778/j.issn. 1002-8331.1211-0159 1 引言 重要的影响,一是在进化过程中缩小影响的环境范围, 在过去的几十年中,多目标优化算法一直是科学领 二是降低平均适应值以应对增加的繁殖率。在现有免 域的研究焦点,并且出现了各种演化算法,为了有效地 疫算法中,多样性维护至关重要,而免疫算子对种群多 衡量各种算法性能,相继出现了各种性能指标,例如多 样性产生重要影响,在免疫


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