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* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * TRAINING Program培训计划 Training goals 培训目标 Initiate students to western video game culture. 帮助学生熟悉视频游戏文化 Teach students in order to make them future good testers and prepare them to video game testing. 教导学生未来成为游戏的测试员,并让他们准备好开展视频游戏测试 Learn how important team work and communication are needed to test a game. 了解在游戏测试工作中团队合作和充分沟通的重要性 Give them experience of testing real-life projects. 给予学员测试真实项目的经验 Find good testers for UBISOFT Chengdu. 为成都育碧软件发现优秀的测试员 Top 30 candidates selected for the training program. 前30名候选人将入选培训计划 TRAINING Program 培训方案 Training content 培训内容 The training program will be divided into 4 parts 1. General Knowledge Training 2. Basic Testing Training 3. Practical Testing Training 4. Specific Testing Training (such as Compliance and Compatibility testing) Training Methodology 培训方法 实操游戏测试培训 采用育碧以往的游戏案例 完成一定的任务 游戏测试经验 测试一个真实项目 培训计划将分为四个部分: 1. 通用知识培训 2. 基础测试培训 3. 实操测试培训 4. 专项测试培训(例如遵从性和兼容性测试) Practical game testing training Use old Ubisoft game examples Completing tasks Game testing experience Testing a real-life project 推介、登记报名及甄选流程与标准 Promotion Application and Selection Process Standard 高校推介 Promotion 2008年4月 Apr 2008 1.4月16日到18日在成都4个指定高校作培训推介及宣讲 Give Presentation in University started from Apr 16th till 18th . . 登记及报名方式 Way of Application 2008年4月 Apr 2008 请将简历投递到育碧关于此次招聘的邮箱 ,截至日期为4月25日 Pls send your CV to ctu-recruitment@ 登记报名所需条件 Terms required for training registration 成都地区任何专业的最后一学年学生或已毕业人员均可登记报名


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