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Comparison and Contrast Lecture Focus Definitions of Comparison and Contrast Basic Features Select your topics Set your purpose Organize your ideas Develop cohesion style Steps to Writing: Brainstorming Drafting Revising Suggested Activities/Homework What You Should Know Comparison-contrast is a common method of development that involves focusing on similarities and differences---or more likely on one or the other---in order to make a point. When a writer is comparing, he is pointing out the similarities that exist between subjects or items (such as persons, things, or ideas). When a writer is contrasting, he is pointing out the differences between subjects or items, even the two different aspects of the same subject (e.g., the advantages vs. the disadvantages of a personal computer). Select your topics Activity : Examine the following groups of topics. Please pick out the groups that you think are appropriate for discussing similarities and differences, and explain why you think they are appropriate for comparison/contrast. buying a car vs. leasing a car oranges and bananas Shakespeare and Lu Xun a musician and an architect male and female attitudes about marriage Activity Broad Categories Narrowed-down Topics two books two authors two TV programs two restaurants two athletes Set Your Purpose Informative comparisons: to explain differences between subjects. This type of writing generally does not recommend one item as being better than the others. Persuasive comparisons: to persuade readers that one subject is superior to others. Organize your ideas subject-by-subject point-by-point Subject-by-subject organization Subject A:?? Point 1 Point 2 Point 3 Point 4 Subject B:?? Point 1 Point 2 Point 3 Point 4 ? Example Professor Yang:? ?classroom ins


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