II . Humoral regulation of cardiovascular system 心血管活动的体.ppt

II . Humoral regulation of cardiovascular system 心血管活动的体.ppt

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II . Humoral regulation of cardiovascular system 心血管活动的体

II . Humoral regulation of cardiovascular system 心血管活动的体液调节; ;1. Renin-angiotension-aldosterone system(RAA 肾素-血管紧张素-醛固酮系统(RAAS) ; ;(1)Angiotonin II 血管紧张素II (AII);a. The formation of angiotonin 血管紧张素生成过程 血管紧张素原(肝合成) ↓肾素(肾近球细胞分泌) 血管紧张素Ⅰ(10肽) ↓(转化酶,主要在肺血管) 血管紧张素Ⅱ(8肽)+AT1受体 ↓血管紧张素酶A 血管紧张素III(7肽) ;b. Physiological function of angiotensin Ⅱ 血管紧张素Ⅱ的生理作用 ; ③ Prejunctional modulation, promote the sympathetic nerve ending to excrete NA. 接头前调制,促进交感神经末梢释放NA。 ④ Action on the specific receptors of CNS , the sympathesis vasoconstrictor tone ↑. 作用于中枢特定受体,交感缩血管紧张↑。 ⑤ Stimulate the formation and excretion of aldosterone, the reabsorption of sodium and fluid increases and thus the BP increases too. 刺激醛固酮生成分泌,水钠重吸收↑,血压↑。 ;(2) Aldosterone 醛固酮 Synthesis position : adrenal cortex ZG cell 合成部位:肾上腺皮质球状带细胞 critical organ :distal tubule 、collecting duct 靶器官:远曲小管、集合管 Function: to keep Na+ and excrete K+ . 作用:保Na+排K+作用。 ;;mechanism of action 作用机制 ;;艋耳延瘤悃学迕卢拷磅瘳徜渑碥哩奥消燃荐豫垡镲暹鞍及炖致凸枢骄胨铫绌妨冽儆漠蹶砦柒树畈鹛曩稼缉漓蚴槠沲溶帘;肾上腺素 强心药;去甲肾上腺素 升压药 ; 3. vasopressin (Antidiuretic hormone ) 血管升压素(抗利尿激素) Synthesis position: supraoptic nucleus and paraventricular nucleus. Store in posterior pituitary gland and release to blood stream. 合成部位:在下丘脑的视上核和室旁核合成。 在神经垂体后叶贮存,释放到血液中发挥作用。 ;; Physical function 生理功能 In normal condition , the increase in the level of ADH in plasma firstly induces the effect of antidiuresis,and only when its level increases definitely ,the BP increases. ADH plays an important role in the regulation of the volume of extracellular fluid .Under the condition of water beari



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