新GREArgument题库翻译已 将所有重题合并.pdf

新GREArgument题库翻译已 将所有重题合并.pdf

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新GREArgument题库翻译已 将所有重题合并

新GRE-Argument 全翻译 新GRE-Argument 全翻译 新新GGRREE--AArrgguummeenntt全全翻翻译译 1.Woven baskets characterized by a particular 3/171.The following appeared as a letter to the editor distinctive pattern have previously been found only in the from the owner of a skate shop in Central Plaza. immediate vicinity of the prehistoric village of Palea and Two years ago the city voted to prohibit therefore were believed to have been made only by the skateboarding in Central Plaza. They claimed that Palean people. Recently, however, archaeologists skateboard users were responsible for the litter and discovered such a Palean basket in Lithos, an ancient vandalism that were keeping other visitors from coming village across the Brim River from Palea. The Brim River to the plaza. In the past two years, however, there has is very deep and broad, and so the ancient Paleans only been a small increase in the number of visitors to could have crossed it only by boat, and no Palean boats Central Plaza, and litter and vandalism are still have been found. Thus it follows that the so-called problematic. Skateboarding is permitted in Monroe Park, Palean baskets were not uniquely Palean. however, and there is no problem with litter or vandalism 一种具有独特花纹的编织篮子以前只在史前村庄Palea there. In order to restore Central Plaza to its former glory, 的临近地区发现过,因而被认为是Palea 居所独有的。然 then, we recommend that the city lift its prohibition on 而最近,考古学家在一个与Palea 隔着一条叫做Brim 河 skateboarding in the plaza. 的村庄Lithos 发现了一个这样的Palea 篮子。Brim河很 两年前,市里投票禁止了在中央广场玩滑板。他们认为 深很宽,所以古代Palea 人只能坐船穿过它,但没有证据 是滑板爱好者的废弃物和损毁公物的行为使游客远离了 表明Palea 人拥有船只。这表明那种所谓的Palea 篮子并 广场。然而在过去两年中,中央广场的游客却只有少数增 不是那里所独有的。 加,而且废弃物和损毁公物的行为依然存在。滑板运动在


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